"Something? I Gave You Everything!" *hoping someone gets the reference* 20 comments
· 9 years ago
When the fighter is hotter than the models 29 comments
· 9 years ago
Incase you guys didn't know she's very dehydrated (to make the 135 lbs weight class), she normally looks more fuller than this. While she does look hot, she very unhealthy at this point, once she rehydrates then she will look like her normal self.
Sexual assault on men 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Yes but remember most of the time is also men committing the rapes on the men, like in prisons.
Sexual assault on men 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Well the reason it doesn't change is because, when a woman falsely accuses a man of sexual assult, and his life is ruined. You guys don't stand up and chastise them for it. Too many times evil woman get away with playing the system and we get our lifes ruined. But no one defends the rights of men except other men, and then we get label antiFeminist.
Superman has learned, at last 11 comments
· 9 years ago
Every movie has some plot holes, it's very difficult to make a movie about a being that can literally destroy everything around him. And I do agree with you the movie wasn't the best, the superman character has been the most interesting iteration we have seen. Finally we see him fighting enemy's on his level, and not just saving puppies from burning buldings, and stopping lex from illegaly aquiring real estate.
Superman has learned, at last 11 comments
· 9 years ago
Yea he's better, he's realistic, not a idiot, sometimes some people just need to be stoped.
Realistic Disney Princesses 23 comments
· 9 years ago
Is it me or Jane can be Natalie dormer (margaery tyrell game of thrones) in real life.
What hitting the jackpot in Japan looks like 5 comments
3 pills 85 comments
· 9 years ago
Fly, pain, disease. You can make money and get fame, from flight. Which leads to sex, which you can't catch any std. And if you have problems you can put a tought fight, and not get hurt. The only other pill I would like is future (removing disease) prevent disasters also win the lottery.
Who says that rats aren't cute? :) 28 comments
This needs to be everywhere 10 comments
Old vs. Young people 23 comments
RAPE IS RAPE 22 comments
· 9 years ago
Shut the fuck up, adults have the right to be able to both drink and make the choices they want, I'm tired of this bull shit culture, that wants to baby everyone like if having sex with your significant other or even a person you just meet that is willing is not ok, it is is called being adventurous. Obviously they're people that force their will on others that is not ok. but to start making laws against something as having a drunken one night stand is ridicules or even with you partner. Wtf is wrong with people. a person that has the capacity within themselfs to force another person into sex, will do it in anyway, stop putting everyone into that category. All men are not rapist, all women are not rapist, some are those are who should be targeted. Not make it so anyone could be classified along the same lines as an actual rapist for engaging in consents drunken sex because is soon to be against the law.
A train wreck 3 comments
· 9 years ago
Give away he was gay, he had a girl friend in elementary school, straight boys knew to stay away, cooties!!