

celticrose Report User
Nicole Arbour has no chill 11 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
Caffeine still has SOME effect on me, unlike adderall and I've been using caffeine WAY longer.
Cause all men will stop paying child support 52 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
Oh get off ut bethorien. I simply have a grasp of reality, unlike you, and choose when to walk away. I'm not silencing anyone, I'm just tired of this same thing being posted over and over just to stir the shitpot. Seriously, this site is just going to hell because of trolls and bots.
Cause all men will stop paying child support 52 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
They can verify paternity inutero. But the restrictions usually does more damage than aid. I had a friend who had left her abusive ex, had faught for a divorce over a year, she was with an awesome guy and just found out she was pregnant. The OBs office royally fucked up and left a message referring specifically to her and scheduling a sonogram at her former address (the one her almost ex husband still lived at), I will add this was a HUGE nono, privacy wise. Anyway as soon as her ex found out he of course used it to fuck with her, informing the judge and claiming it was his ect. Regardless of the fact they verified DNA in the womb, it didn't matter to the courts.
Third onerous agonizing Newt 23 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
Still, this is the winner.
Cause all men will stop paying child support 52 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
Breath sweetie, your fingers are going to cramp if you keep this up. :)
Cause all men will stop paying child support 52 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
Cause all men will stop paying child support 52 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
But it IS a well known potential byproduct, just saying. And seriously, where do people come by this notion that all men are pro life?
Cause all men will stop paying child support 52 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
@interesting I don't doubt you aren't the downvoter, there are a ton on troll on this site lately. I'm seriously NOT debating this AGAIN, this easily the 5th or 6th time in a month this crap has been on here and its been covered 7 ways to Sunday. I will state, in this case, if he is so concerned about having to pay, HE should be the one to avoid any potential chance. If the OP was female I would have said the same to her.
Cause all men will stop paying child support 52 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
That's not really the case, at least not any more. Its just the hospital doesn't automatically list the father's name if the mother is unmarried. A father can, and has in many cases, sued for parental rights without being on the birth certificate let alone married to the mother. The REAL "fun" laws are like the one in Texas where you cannot get a divorce if you are pregnant, even if you started proceeding well before you got pregnant and your estranged spouse ISN'T THE FATHER. It doesn't matter. They could be in the final stages of a 2 year divorce but if the court finds out she is even 2 months pregnant, the divorce is stalled until she gives birth
Tolkien forever 12 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
But its TOLKIEN.
"She has a point" 22 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
I SERIOUSLY would not doubt it. But it's likely expensive as HELL.
Nicole Arbour has no chill 11 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
Yes. But they become less effective the longer they are taken.
Cause all men will stop paying child support 52 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
Seriously enough with this bullshit, we've covered it multiple times. If you can't see the obvious fact those are two wildly different scenarios than you have no business being around women, or other people in general. Just keep your dick in your pants and you won't have to worry about it. Or better yet, let any female you're interested in read this and you won't have to worry at all.
Tell your history 16 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
I must be confusing details. Stupid brain.
Tolkien forever 12 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
The Hobbit can certainly be considered far more a children's book than The Lord of the Rings, but it isn't exclusively for children, which is what is implied. It was more of an introductory book for the LotR world which he was already working on but not nearly finished with (which is why there were a number of edits made between the first and second printings). But to say "then write a children's book in it" is a vast over simplification of not only the work but the weight of the world created there, to the point of being vaguely insulting to all.
Serves you right 13 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
The parents would be assumed to have made the purchase, thus the item is their property.
Now, obviously this varies dramatically by the age and individual circumstances of the minor in question. Obviously the same stipulations would not be as overtly one sided for a 16 year old as a 7 year old. But given the mother is having to clean the son's room, I'm assuming he's either not old enough or he's so damned lazy he's not to be trusted. That's assuming this is real rather than just another "and every one clapped" fantasies written by an entitled child.
Serves you right 13 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
No court of law would uphold a child's right to "privacy" from a parent, its part of being a GUARDIAN to know what your child is involved in. On top of that, if a child had a "right to property" then a child taken into state custody would not be forced to leave most of their belongings behind, unless of course you are suggesting the state then be charged with loss of said property. The basic fact is, aside from the much broader and obviously more crucial, human rights, minors DO NOT have the same rights, just as they cannot legally own property, cars or purchase alcohol and tobacco until a specific age. As far as taking property away, the child would have to prove ownership (possession doesn't matter), and that they purchased the item(s) with their own money (something also not easily proven since minors under a specific age can't legally work). Cases like this are based in the most likely situation, without documented evidence to the contrary, and the most likely ca see e would be
Tell your history 16 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
I read somewhere (ages ago so I have no clue the context) that you need to wear protective gear when harvesting mangos because they are caustic and can cause burn. Is that actually a thing or have I gotten stuff muddled in my memory
Tolkien forever 12 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
EXACTLY. I honestly think a lot of people confuse him and C.S. Lewis.
I'd ask to be put down again 2 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
Well thats one way to insure they have an adverse reaction and go into a panic attack.
Nicole Arbour has no chill 11 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
Energy drinks, a definite NO. But for children and adults who do ACTUALLY have ADD caffeine can actually work to calm them down
Severe leg cramp 16 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
But they only last a few minutes, and if you cut it off you still have to deal with phantom limb pain
How do those videos even have views? 2 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
That chick is STUPID, no picture, even if its in order to make a point, is worth the risks of wading in that
Tell your history 16 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
My mom was chased by a hammerhead in Galveston (back in the early 60s). It actually tried to go over the sandbar, but looking back she realized it was probably just chasing them to chase them because, honestly, if it had wanted to catch them it could have
Tell your history 16 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
1st) When I was 2 1/2 I was riding on a 4 wheeler with my sister (17) and she lost control and we ran off the ride of a deep ravine. She was able to hold on to me and grab something on the side of the ravine so we didn't fall all the way, but she got burned on her legs when the hit motor hit her legs.
2) when I was 20 and was attacked in my apartment, beaten and raped at knifepoint.