

— celticrose Report User
Meal and Chill 8 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
I watch, and cook a lot, so I know if it's just next to each other you can just scrap any cheese contamination off. It's a few drops at most of cross contamination.
In todays episode of the greatest nation on earth 61 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
No, the issue lies in the government getting to decide whether a family is allowed to seek treatment on their own. They were basically prisoners of the state, with no choice, despite having been given Italian citizenship.
Meal and Chill 8 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
Who complains about having extra Mac and cheese. There's no containing all that gooeyness.
In todays episode of the greatest nation on earth 61 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
And just so it's REAL clear, he was breathing on his own, the hospital withdrew "care and sustenance", meaning they took out his feeding tube and left his starve and dehydrate. Then they refused to allow his family to seek alternate care, and forced them to watch him waste away.
In todays episode of the greatest nation on earth 61 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
Well he wouldn't have been dead, for starters. I'm nit a medical researcher so I don't have specifics in potential treatment avenues and such, but the point is, they were refused that option. Sure, the hospital made the decision to take him off life support, which they should not have that authority to begin with, but the government refused to allow them to move him some place else. The government wasn't going to be footing the bill, it was all being paid for through other sources. They decided the child didn't have a right to live anymore, so they essentially killed a baby, which is ironic given their stance against the death penalty.
In todays episode of the greatest nation on earth 61 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
Even if it was just continued life support, it would have at least given them more time in hopes of a treatment option being found. There are medical break throughs every day in one field and form or another.
Horrible 9 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
Yes. Most airlines recommend carrying ashes as carry-on rather than checked baggage fir this reason. Some even require it and don't allow them in checked bags.
Awkward 17 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
But, unlike dine-in wait staff, they haven't done anything to merit a tip, there's been no one on one consistent interaction ect. They have preformed the same task a fast food worker does.
Awkward 17 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
Because Taco Bell is a fast food place, and so it doesn't pay based on assumed tips. Actual restaurants with actual servers who take orders and serve table have higher standards, but they also pay only a 3 or so dollars an hour because tips are supposed to cover the rest. But, that being said, tipping is based off service, to go orders don't really apply in many peoples minds for the same reason fast food doesn't. You don't get the service level.
3 · Edited 6 years ago
England fans celebrating by destroying a paramedic's car 22 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
I like how the single out the blond but not the shirtless guy also clearly doing the same thing. Also, why the heck do some people seem to think it's okay to celebrate by destroying property? Whatever happened to just dancing and cheering? Maybe a few streamers.
A cassette tape coffee table. Very retro 6 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
There you go, perfect
The trifecta 5 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
Yeah, those guys definitely look like they've been celebrating 420 a little late, or early.
Horrible 9 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
That probably should have been carry on for that very reason. Still crappy that they screwed up that bad.
In todays episode of the greatest nation on earth 61 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
I want to know how it makes any kind of sense for a government to be able to refuse to allow parents to seek medical treatment for their child. It boggles my mind that they have that authority.
In todays episode of the greatest nation on earth 61 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
When they forced that kid to die, and his parents to watch, despite their being potential treatment a simple plane ride away.
A cassette tape coffee table. Very retro 6 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
You'd need one of those fat hexagonal pencil they used in kindergarten
Coupons 10 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
Trust me, I'm familiar with the frauds ect, but they are hardly the majority, especially with old people.
A cassette tape coffee table. Very retro 6 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
Does it refill drinks when you turn the spokes?
Coupons 10 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
Yes, how horrible that the cashier has to do their job so their customer can save money.
They see me rolling 6 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
Good luck not drowning while trying to get out of that in the water.
Relationship goals 12 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
I think certain day spas do.
Genetics "doesn't" matter 12 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
For one, he LOOKS like his dad, he's just twice his height.
Alligator problem at NASA 8 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
Just another reason as to why the heck they chose hurricanes central Swamp land as their base of operations
Summer 3 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
It's been so hot here even my eyelids are sweating.