

— celticrose Report User
Nature heals itself 7 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
@grimreaper I see a sequel coming
You're ruining my life, MOOOOM 2 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
That caption is so realistic it makes me want to smack it
What in tarnation 11 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
Also, there are 4, FOUR Kenny Charles, and not on the same side, in my family. And there were two separate brothers both with the first name Charles. My maternal grandparents had 3 (or 4, I honestly loose count and there was at least one baby sold off) siblings with the same name. I swear, they either recycle the same 5 names, or just pick the most batshit crazy ones they can think of.
What in tarnation 11 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
Yep, knew that about H.E.B., I think every Texas kid learned that growing up, especially if you took the historical tour.
My great Uncle, one of A.D.s brother's, was an infamous moonshiner during prohibition. His name was...wait for it...
Jethro (long E, Jeethro, not Jethro like Clampit though)
He was so sought after that when they finally caught him, despite it being the lae to immediately destroy any still they found, the cops couldn't bring themselves to destroy his. For one it wad pure copper, so it was a thing a beauty, but also, it was a major throphy, having actually gotton ahold of Jethro Holmes still. So instead they put it on display in the middle of town under armed guard, to show off how awesome they were.
Uncle Jethro had it stolen back the same night and they never found it and never caught who stole it.
What in tarnation 11 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
My grandfather had an uncle we all called Uncle A.D., but no one knew what it stood for. Eventually my mom asked what A D stood for, this is not a joke. He was the youngest of twelve children, and for whatever crazy ass reason, whether they'd run out of names or his mom was too out of it after giving birth and left naming up to his dad, but he ended up with the oh so clever name A Dozen. First Name: A, Middle Name: Dozen.
@mrscollector, can you out Texas that one?
yes, it's gross but I love grossing people out. 22 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
But sneezing accelerates the process exponentially, like a bazooka for blood clots and gobs of uterine tissue
Weirdest reaction video title I've read 33 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
And you have proven my point about a comment section being no forum for this topic.
That's what happens if you leaving a young girl with a cat 5 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
That's not a kid, no kid has that eye for symmetry, shaping and the added beauty mark. Some bored teenager or older decided to tart up their far too trusting kitty.
Weirdest reaction video title I've read 33 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
But in regards to this specific case, let me make this clear, in case it hasn't been, the court doesn't think the parents refused to seek help for their sick child of religious grounds. They don't believe the child was sick, at least not enough to be potentially fatel. The court believes they intentionally let that baby waste away, letting her die of starvation and dehydration. So what punishment do you think is justified if that is the case?
Weirdest reaction video title I've read 33 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
Torture is arguably worse than using a weapon, and is usually punished worse. The children are already in other custody, hopefully not like minded. I posted a separate link to an article about their home, it's full of warning signs, both figuratively and literally. Also @guest_ why are you choosing this particular thread to try and tackle the concept of A) prinson system as a whole and B)bthe justice system as a whole? Is it perfect, no, but it is what we have and its far to complex and nuanced a subject to cover in a comment section, especially one with a character limit.
yes, it's gross but I love grossing people out. 22 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
And occasionally you get a very weird horrible sqelch\flop of sluffed tissue
yes, it's gross but I love grossing people out. 22 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
Clots... clots everywhere
Parenting level -10 4 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
Would they rather the parents go into debt spending money they don't have one stuff the kid won't remember or play with in 3 months?
Weirdest reaction video title I've read 33 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
@honeybumblebee unfortunately its already too late on the not reproducing again. She's already pregnant again. As for why jail, thats like asking why we would put someone in jail for drunk driving. Assuming they didn't intentionally withhold nutrients from the child, which, so far, that's the only cause of death we have, malnutrition and dehydration (meaning they starved her to death), they directly caused her death through their gross negligence. There is no indirect. Indirect would be if they keft a pot boilig on the stove, causing a fire in which she died. And it's not about learning a lesson, it's about not letting them hurt anyone else.
3 · Edited 6 years ago
Sadly she didn't survive due to several internal stingray wounds 6 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
Also, I included an article inbthe source that talks about how they tried to get her back in the surf, and after eventually having to admit defeat they were able to harvest over 400 pounds of meat that was donated to a local charity
Sadly she didn't survive due to several internal stingray wounds 6 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
Half hour, ir even an hour, isn't a long bout, not hy a long shot. They found over a dozen large sting ray spins inside her, including one lodged near her spine. They think one of the reasons she was so easy to bring in was she was already weakened.
Grandma 2 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
Meanwhile same woman when her own kids were little: Did you finish your dinner?
Obviously not or you wouldn't have room for dessert
Weirdest reaction video title I've read 33 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
That is why we put them in jail for murder.
Weirdest reaction video title I've read 33 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
It wasn't stupidity, they knew the consequences, they chose not to help her. They are religious extremists.
Weirdest reaction video title I've read 33 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
Exactly. This isn't Christianity. The apostle Luke was a doctor himself and ge wrote half the damn New Testament. These people are just radical extremist like any other.
Weirdest reaction video title I've read 33 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
They deserve every moment they spend in jail. I jyst hope their remaining kids go to a saner home. https://www.ajc.com/news/national/couple-charged-after-starved-infant-found-with-eyes-cheeks-sunken-into-her-head/XLh5Amc78y4AIjq4z8u5bJ/
Weirdest reaction video title I've read 33 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
They had the presence of mind to understand the child was sick and getting worse, while still refusing to seek treatment. By admitting he knew he should have gotten help he proved there was no insanity grounds. They chose to watch their child die so they could tout themselves as martyrs. She died of malnutrition and dehydration. Those are two things EASILY preventable, even without direct medical intervention. For that matter, the father wears glasses, despite that being a medical intervention.
Betray the rainbow 2 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
Me, two days after Halloween, with all the chocolate.
This is Milo 7 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
No, he goes between our rooms. ALL NIGHT LONG. He's old and apparently feels that means he doesn't have to actually sleep at night.
"Girl code" and incest 12 comments
celticrose · 6 years ago
Blood is thicker than crazy, bitch. There isn't any "girl code" that protects you from that.