

— celticrose Report User
Elvis eating breakfeast with his family 1959 33 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
This was THE era of product placement, before they had commercials, they paid to have products featured in photos or tv shows prominently, even more so than now. The best example I've seen is the Allen and Burns show with Carnation Condensed milk. At random intervals in conversation Gracie would spout out about how much she LOVED her Carnation Condensed Milk yadayadayada.
Lilo and stitch 18 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
I have never met anyone who didn't consider Lilo and Stitch a top Tier Disney. It was one of the few that did so with out being a musical or a romance.
That was close 7 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
It depends, if its something that would have done more damage to him if it had ruptured on impact (such as a hazardous chemical) he was probably safer catching it, since it was so close.
That's right 1 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
My brain is slipping out of the back of my skull, so I can't even say this much
Creating plasma in a microwave oven 8 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
I honestly thought this was going to be one of those clean hacks because of how grungy it was
Wages 27 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
Okay, but they are comparing a first world country and a third world country here, they are comparing two first world countries, the same company, and adjusting the currency to the dollar as the standard. So the comparison was valid. The idiot bringing taxes into one but not the other is the one who doesn't know how to do a proper comparison.
Accidentally racist! 4 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
I'm almost afraid to ask why
Facebook vaccine 9 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
Someone needs to call CPS and make sure this idiot doesn't have children, because someone that painfully stupid has no business making welfare and healthcare decisions for a helpless kid.
14 · Edited 5 years ago
Damn it bro 11 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
I can do MAYBE 5 on a good day and I've been a legal adult well over a decade.
Where does its owner live? Asking for a friend 14 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
But you don't chain it up with a chain that weighs as much if not more than the poor dog. And while YOU may be referring to only when company is ovet, the post and the comment wasn't. I agree, people who keep animals chained all their lives are shit. You can tell this is a long term situation for this animal given the ground around him, so take your self righteous indignation somewhere else.
Wages 27 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
I mentioned the cost of health insurance, which I find asinine considering what the cost of actual health care is as well. If one costs a fortune the other shouldn't. But, you know CAPITALISM.
Wages 27 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
Okay, the $9 is still before the approximate 12% tax (not including insurance and any other benefits you may have coming out of your check. That comes out to...guess what, $7.92. STILL less than the $8, and they still do not have paid leave, so if they get sick and have to miss a day, their carefully laid out financial house of cards can oh so easily come crashing down .
I love Rihanna 7 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
Hell, that puts her above at least half of the bridesmaids I've known, usually they have done everything they could to either upstage every other brides maid, or outshine the bride herself. I actually had one tell me cousin (the bride)it was only fair she (the bridesmaid) stand out more since my cousin had already landed a husband, she was still trying to catch one. Silly me, I didn't realize we were on an episode of National Geographic.
11 · Edited 5 years ago
Clash of cultures 11 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
That was my thought as well. This seems to be the opposite of "clash". Someone is trying too hard to find strife.
Where does its owner live? Asking for a friend 14 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
I have an overwhelming desire to beat the person responsible with that chain. Or maybe just chain them up to a post outside with no shelter for a few months.
What kind of dog is this? 31 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
It's really more about soothing the animal, and what works with an individual animal than any one "magical" trick. What works for one may not work for the next ten, and vice versa.
What kind of dog is this? 31 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
For KITTENS to be picked up, not adults. Kittens weigh less than adults, so there isn't the pressure pulling down on the skin. Pick up kittens, yes. Puck up Adult Cats NO.
Admirable sarcasm and sentiment 7 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
But definitely kick antivax parents, it might do them some good
What kind of dog is this? 31 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
I really want to pinch the hell out of that guy for the cat. The poor thing just looks so scared. FYI, thats what that particular response is, thats not the scruff relaxing response, thats the panic freeze and hope it lets go response.
4 · Edited 5 years ago
What kind of dog is this? 31 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
No, don't use a binder clip on any cat or risk getting the living hell scratched out if you, justifiably. But, holding them firmly, but gently by the scruff of the neck will cause them to go into a calm state and make them more manageable when needing to give meds ect, much like putting a shark on its back. Just make sure you support their weight if they are an adult cat. Kittens you can lift, but you can do serious damage to an adult cat trying to lift them by their scruff
Damn it bro 11 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
I just ask them to do things and they disappear, its like MAGIC
The natural history museum, london 4 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
I've always wanted to go there
These are some of the creative comments I found across facebook 2 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
No joke, I was talking to someone who was genuinely pissed that peacocks were called a gender specific name. Apparently she didn't realize that "peacock" only refers to the male PEAFOWL. The female is a peahen, just like with chickens. I thought she was going to choke from her denied fury.
Sidenote:you meet the broadest assortment of people in libraries.
What kind of dog is this? 31 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
Actually he's right about the difference in grip strength. Its like same you would use the same grip to pick someone up as to pinch them. All tge pressure is focused on a very thin line (of a metal surface) rather than dispersed more evenly around a larger surface area. And you aren't supposed to pickup or carry an adult cat by the scruff, its too much weight to be supported on just the skin. But is highly effective to hold them.
Cat comes home 5 comments
celticrose · 5 years ago
I get the feeling this isn't the first time they've done this.