The new iPhone 14 comments
· 10 years ago
I bought my 4s shortly after it came out. That meant it was going to cost some money due to the supply-demand, however not as much if I were to buy it with ought the 2-year upgrade deal from my old phone (one of those flip phones) I went on the sprint (my cell provider) website and found prices of the iPhones (5s, 5c, 5). They are all free (the phone itself, not the service fees). The service fees themselves did differ based on the model and storage of the phone. http://m.sprint.com/shop/mobile/shop/phone_wall.jsp?filterString=apple&INTNAV=ATG:HE:iPhones
The new iPhone 14 comments
· 10 years ago
I do have an iPhone. However the reason I do prefer to use an iPhone is because I find it reliable and easy to use. However I do find it unnessesary to upgrade to the newest phone every year. Most phone contracts let you upgrade your phone for an amazing price. I got my 4s (16 gig) about a month after it's release for about $200. I can soon upgrade and plan on getting a 5s. Basically an iPhone is good if you know your way around the market.
We Shall Do That 29 comments
· 10 years ago
Oh guest... Sad, sad, ignorant guest. I guess you don't understand the concept of stereotypes. Either that or you are making quite a terrible attempt at a joke. If that is the case, I guess I must tell you some stuff doesn't exactly require a joke. Also towards your grammar: you'r isn't even a word. It is either "your" as in owning something, or you're as in "you are". Example: You're the reason guest have a bad reputation, and your lack of knowledge past stereotypes disturbs me.
Mini riot happened on my campus 4 comments
· 10 years ago
It says 'Christian' because I believe it is one of those churches that give Christianity a bad reputation.
Build your own 12 pack. What a time to be alive 30 comments
Well that backfired 3 comments
Flap, flap, flap, shake, shake, shake 5 comments
Such a cute kitten 4 comments
Stairs leading up Mt. Huashan, China 12 comments
· 11 years ago
The only thing I saw before reading the title was a giant fin shape above the normal stairs on the left.
They're on to us 2 comments
When I randomly see one of my friends in public 17 comments
· 11 years ago
That spy is a Shpee! (Noob spy that wears a gibbus, from YouTube :P)
Puke this place in particular 2 comments
It's a sad generation 47 comments
· 11 years ago
And what makes you say this is America? There is nothing here saying that is an American girl, so your comment is outright rude and ignorant.
Paintings that make you think 23 comments
If there were a Team Fortress movie 5 comments
· 11 years ago
Valve is about to release a Dota 2 Documentary, so I hope they release more movies and they do this.
It was probably Nevel who leaked it 18 comments
· 11 years ago
Okay… this picture has taught me that I learn more about celebrities from FS than other sources
Corgi at the beach 7 comments