Strong words 29 comments
· 6 years ago
It's not stolen, it's conquered. Get it right.
This isn't even this meme's final form 9 comments
This mask from a fashion show in Paris 9 comments
The santa bernnnn 6 comments
I mean they’ve got a point 2 comments
· 6 years ago
Depends on if they're in an English speaking country or not. If you're in Thailand, consider yourself lucky if they even Understand English, let alone speak to any degree. If you're in an English speaking country, then work on your English.
Cause that's possible 6 comments
· 6 years ago
Maybe if you tell them that, you'll get the job, because you'll be the only one who knew, "hey, Swift only came out 3 years ago"
This is pointless 30 comments
Kryptonite for school shooters 3 comments
· 6 years ago
The solution is there, they just refuse to discuss it. If you don't want to arm teacher, how about you hire the thousands of out of work veterans who would love to protect a school full of kids? You could even hire the disabled ones, all they need to do is guard the entrances.
Reminder 21 comments
· 6 years ago
I'm just saying, if you can't afford those special insulins, you can get Regular and N insulin for $25 a vial at WalMart. It'll keep you alive at least.
Anon likes McDonald’s 17 comments
Satan and Jesus role swapping 9 comments
I guess he forgot he’s a movie star 50 comments
And another one goes 5 comments
· 6 years ago
I could get behind that, actually.
Just so long as Doomguy is still a guy, they can add whatever new characters they want and make them female.
Just so long as Doomguy is still a guy, they can add whatever new characters they want and make them female.
Sad story 6 comments
· 6 years ago
I need my assault rifle to defend my home and my family against those who would do them harm, and also to take up arms against my government in the event that it should attempt to remove my liberty. Also I can use it to hunt for food if I need to.
This oil painting is for sale for $290,000 3 comments