

chakun Report User
From the Mouth Of God Himself 11 comments
chakun · 6 years ago
Thanks Canada. I knew you guys weren't all bad.
No chill 21 comments
chakun · 6 years ago
I don't think he's gay, but even if he is, it's none of OUR business, and good for him if he is.
Elizabeth II, Protector of britain 14 comments
chakun · 6 years ago
It seems to me that you're just compensating for the fact that your little island nation is all washed up.
Elizabeth II, Protector of britain 14 comments
chakun · 6 years ago
Or my ancestors immigrated to the US from some other European country.
Elizabeth II, Protector of britain 14 comments
chakun · 6 years ago
She never owned Texas.
This is crazy 10 comments
chakun · 6 years ago
Maybe us guys should start eating baby clitoris to maximise those gains.
Taxation 101 2 comments
chakun · 6 years ago
I'm not sure what the point is here.
9 year old kid accused of sexual assault? 26 comments
chakun · 6 years ago
9 year old kid accused of sexual assault? 26 comments
chakun · 6 years ago
Dude, do you have links?
Oh my sweet baby jesus 27 comments
chakun · 6 years ago
Or just teach your kids about gun safety. Take them hunting to teach them the value of life and taking a life. Kids are smarter than you give them credit for.
Some days I just like to relax 3 comments
chakun · 6 years ago
You'll never meet a man/woman that way.
A very powerful message from The Iron Giant 18 comments
chakun · 6 years ago
How do you know they're not going to eat it?
They weigh a kilo for each "personality" they have 13 comments
chakun · 6 years ago
Yeah, but those days are few and faaaaaar between.
Goodluck 7 comments
chakun · 6 years ago
Holy shit. Next time I get called in I'll just pretend I'm drunk! Fucking genius
I'll give you my kidney 19 comments
chakun · 6 years ago
Ah, it isn't the same thing. You are merely gifting them the precise ammount of money. Which could, in theory, be used to purchase a certain amount of alcohol. Which theu could then, also in theory, gift to you for whatever reason they might think of.
I'll give you my kidney 19 comments
chakun · 6 years ago
Just pay someone to buy it for you.
Free ice tea 6 comments
chakun · 6 years ago
It's not the federal governments job to fix your water. Talk to your local government. If they don't fix it, vote for someone else. It's simple, guys.
Healthcare situation in America is worse than many people think 56 comments
chakun · 6 years ago
Well, I don't really know what to tell you. Isn't R/N better than nothing, though?
Healthcare situation in America is worse than many people think 56 comments
chakun · 6 years ago
Clearly she isn't using regular insulin, otherwise op wouldn't have said her insulin was very expensive.
Healthcare situation in America is worse than many people think 56 comments
chakun · 6 years ago
Please, Germany just lets us fight their wars for them. If we weren't fighting for oil in the middle east, you can bet your cou try would be. Shit, it's colonial empires like Germany that fucked up the middle east in the first place. So don't pretend Germany has some kind of moral high ground. You guys want war. We just fight it for you.
Healthcare situation in America is worse than many people think 56 comments
chakun · 6 years ago
The thing is, those things already get billions of dollars worth of funding in the private sector. Companies spend billions and billions of dollars every year on making better, newer, more advanced things. The government doesn't need to fund them. Maybe if your government stopped giving handouts to everyone that asked for one, they could afford to spend more on their military.
Healthcare situation in America is worse than many people think 56 comments
chakun · 6 years ago
There are at least 500,000 defensive uses of firearms every year, and when you remove gang/drug related violence and suicide, there are fewer than 30,000 gun deaths every year. I can't remeber the exact numbers right nowb though, amd I don't want to look them up right now, because we're not arguing about how Hitler only banned guns so that the citizenry of Germany couldn't rise up against him when he started killing peaceful protesters, we're talking about military funding and technology. And I can tell you, every piece of advanced technology you use probably had military funding at some point. Either that, or it was funded by good old greed and capitalism. Everybody's favorite, the private sector!
Healthcare situation in America is worse than many people think 56 comments
chakun · 6 years ago
The internet was created as a military communications network, numbnuts, space rockets were developed from military rockets, highways were designed so the military can transport men and material quickly in case of attack or disaster, even your own autobahn were commissioned by Hitler for that very reason, and the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun, there is literally no way to stop a crazed gunman if you don't have a gun.
Healthcare situation in America is worse than many people think 56 comments
chakun · 6 years ago
Oh, yes, because the internet is only good for war, and guns are only good for war, and highways are only good for war, and rockets are only good for war, and radios are only good for war... I could go on like this for a while.
Healthcare situation in America is worse than many people think 56 comments
chakun · 6 years ago
Who gives a shit why it was developed? Would you rather it just not get developed?