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spacesurfer · 9 years ago
When I was a kid I had a videotape of my favorite play and there was a famous string puppet show for kids that was recorded in the beginning of it...and that stupid string puppet was the most scariest thing I've seen in my life I cry every time it shows, I'm 22 years old now and still hate it, it was the face of devil even though it was supposed to be a friendly grandpa.
otamega · 9 years ago
Balloons. Those fuckers were out to get me when I fell asleep. I always lock them in the closet.
purple_sleevies · 9 years ago
When I was a kid we had these old Indian masks on the wall of my grandmas room, and I would make her put a coat over them before I would go to sleep.
pattywhack125 · 9 years ago
Toilets flushing.
christiina · 9 years ago
My grandma had a picture of Jesus (a face close up) with the blood trailing on his forehead from the thorns and a sad expression towards the viewer....It scared the crap out of me, and I always avoided looking at it when I went to my room, or even walking into hers...Let alone it was so cold in there all the time. Jesus freaked me out lol
lihea · 9 years ago
This is in all seriousness, I used to have nightmares about this growing up. I was deathly afraid of Micheal Jackson. I don't know why. I was afraid of him long before he had his surgeries. I used to have nightmares of him following me around.
katnisseverdeen_ · 9 years ago
A friend of mine is afraid of Bob Marley. Every time she sees his face, she starts to cry and scream.
smbadat · 9 years ago
I still am
Fucking fucks
ghostcat · 9 years ago
As a kid I was legitimately scared of the Jumanji board game at the store.
lihea · 9 years ago
Hells yeah. I completely understand that. But I also had a strange attraction to it.
Like I would be afraid of being near it and at the same time dream of playing it.
deleted · 9 years ago
I had a recurring nightmare that all librarians were actually vampires. I didn't go to a library until I was 14
deathfox393 · 9 years ago
Wario.......I had a dream where I was him and I was in an endless white room stuck on a chair. I was being forced to eat lemonade and garlic. I was also afraid of hot wheels, I had a dream where I was paralyzed and stuck behind a couch but I was able to see a kid sitting in front of a t.v which only had static on it. Above him was what stuck in my mind as specifically a hot wheel tire with spikes sticking out of it, and it was slowly spinning and going towards his head.
rin_okumura · 9 years ago
@deathfox393....that is the most questioning fear I've ever heard of
rin_okumura · 9 years ago
Actually, both of them are
smbadat · 9 years ago
If we knew each other IRL, I'd be wearing a Wario costume outside your room right now, because I'm a great friend >:D
katnisseverdeen_ · 9 years ago
@deatfox393 that story made me... very uncomfortable
deathfox393 · 9 years ago
I've gotten over the fear, it's just that i was afraid of the things when the dreams were fresh and i wouldn't play with hot wheels or the wario game i was playing during that time. I also have a few other weird dreams i remember but they didn't cause any fears. ....
otamega · 9 years ago
Omg I have a fear of Wario too D:
chikachikaboom · 9 years ago
I was scared of the TV
deleted · 9 years ago
I was scared of my neighbours daughter because I thought she was a witch, it turns out that she was performing chemical experiments in her room, which I mistook for witchcraft!
She is actually a very nice lady, we became good friends!