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deleted · 9 years ago
Read Redshirts by John Scalzi. It explores that idea in a fun way.
deleted · 9 years ago
It's also an awesome parody of star trek.
deleted · 9 years ago
There's something called the 'multiverse theory', which holds that in every instant (infinitely smaller than a second) a new, different universe is created, meaning that there is an unlimited number of universes with all outcomes and possibilities. Of course, this cannot be proven, but it ties in with what you are thinking about.
It really is mind-boggling to ponder over. If your life was a work of fiction, which genre (drama, fantasy, horror, science fiction etc.) would you like it to be? ^^
deleted · 9 years ago
Sci-fi, fantasy, and romance, with a dash of adventure.
deathfox393 · 9 years ago
Our author sucks. .....
deleted · 9 years ago
Brethilwen, okay thank you for your book recommendation, the book sounds awesome XD
deleted · 9 years ago
i want it to be sci fi, and romance with a little bit of comedy :D
deleted · 9 years ago
The book is awesome. It filled me with trekkie happiness on every page.
deleted · 9 years ago
Definitely gonna read that, it's already on my wishlist
deleted · 9 years ago
Nice. I may have to check out out from my library again. It's been awhile since I've read it.
deleted · 9 years ago
Check it out*
deleted · 9 years ago
Okay, have a nice day brethilwen :D
deathfox393 · 9 years ago
*whispers* if we're giving out book recommendations I'd recommend smile to go. It's not like the one that was recommended above but it's good.
biscuit0883 · 9 years ago
So if our world is a story, what's it about?
deleted · 9 years ago
Depends on who the main character is.
deleted · 9 years ago
"Smile to go" noted, thank you deathfox. But, who is the author? So i don't get the wrong book.
deathfox393 · 9 years ago
Jerry spinelli
deleted · 9 years ago
Here is something odd to think about: If your life story were to be written in a book, think about the background characters - the nameless faces that you pass by. The person standing behind you in the café queue. The mailman making the delivery. In your story, their lives are never explored in detail. They are emotionless and meaningless.
Yet... That is exactly what you are in THEIR stories. You, too, are a nameless passerby in their story. That is both an intriguing and a scary thought... In my opinion, anyways.
deleted · 9 years ago
Thank you :D, deathfox
deleted · 9 years ago
Yes, stargazing, it really put life into perspective.