creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
Muslim women wear hijab because their religion says women should not flaunt their beauty. Women are more able to control their "urges" but men have weaker control and therefore it is women who must cover up. I hope this gives a little bit of understanding
diyrogue · 7 years ago
Like I've gotten a lot of different answers from a lot of different people from it just being modest to their God saying women are too beautiful and need to cover up to the whole patriarchy thing. I'd like to know the actual reason from someone who actually is or knows a Muslim and isn't just trying to push one agenda or another.
parisqeen · 7 years ago
Yeah I think the best thing to do is find a Muslim community or someone who's Muslim to ask and get a reliable answer. My class had a Muslim woman come in some time ago to tell us about her religion, her answer was that it was for modesty and that it's just about of the culture and religion so that's all I can tell you sorry.
unicycle · 7 years ago
I had a Muslim family living with me and I asked one woman who told me that she was never forced to wear a hijab. She chooses to because it gives her power; she gets to decide who sees that private/sexual side of her. It's also a connection to her home country and a larger cultural heritage. She also joked that she wears a hijab because it's impossible to have a bad hair day :)
deleted · 7 years ago
I've always found Muslim women to be beautiful but never had the confidence to tell one
deleted · 7 years ago
Dad is Muslim. He hates when he sees women wear the hijab and burkas - calls them bin bags. I couldn't give a shit really its their life. They either want to or are forced by parents. Best friend is hijabi and she doesn't wear it half the time.
The Qu'ran says women should dress modestly. Thing is... the Qu'ran nlike the bible has never been changed. People take stuff out of context. Especially the extremists.
deleted · 7 years ago
Fuck the extremists and fuck everything they say and do. Majority of the stuff coming out if their filthy mouths is bullshit and the rest makes no sense. Every last one of them needs to die. Theyre brains cant be changed once theyre that deeply brainwashed, the fuckers. Putting a bad name to all those following islam and never hurt a fly.