unicycle · 7 years ago
I used to be a professional editor; let me know if/how I can help!
morebacon · 7 years ago
The winds of change are makin waves at this endless shore of imperfections,
The sand burns my feet as I stare at my reflection in mirror of horrors I call my life's direction.
Change is what I want
Change is what I need
But am I willing to break, bend, or bleed?
The pills keep the pain's nightmares at bay but soon it'll rear itself up to make me dose again
So goes my circle and thats why I need
change today
Here we are at 3 am, right back at it again, battling with my own mind, the demons running wild like when I was a child. depression is the reason for all this agression, and unless you haven't caught the point yet, my life's headed in the wrong direction.
Drowning doesn't scare me but what does is fear of not becoming the real kind of free.
Free from the creatures lurking in my head
Free from this anxiety filled dread
Free from the pain that has me down, alone, broken, and
morebacon · 7 years ago
...to the ground
morebacon · 7 years ago
(Chained to the ground)
morebacon · 7 years ago
Wrote it li a dark place in life
unicycle · 7 years ago
I really like it! When you're down, the process of creating something can help a lot.
Just on a preliminary read-through, I thought the line: "Drowning doesn't scare me but what does is fear of not becoming the real kind of free" sounded a bit awkward/fumbling. For me it disrupted the flow so changing it around a bit might help. Maybe something like: "Not scared of drowning but instead the fear of not becoming truly free."
But it's really up to you. Maybe you want to have a break in the flow, or to sound like you don't quite have all the words perfect. Artistic expression yo.
Anyway, I think it overall has really great momentum and is a really powerful piece.