deleted · 7 years ago
Pretty sure he said he watched it
(I didn't so I'm just gonna go)
deleted · 7 years ago
Sup ?
nerdsarecool1212 · 7 years ago
Did you like 13 Reasons Why on Netflix?
deleted · 7 years ago
I fucking love it
deleted · 7 years ago
what is the show about
deleted · 7 years ago
A girl who commited suicide left tapes of why she did it behind her, it goes to 13 people and one of them tries to understand the whole thing
deleted · 7 years ago
sounds like it would only last 13 episodes
deleted · 7 years ago
The first season is
nerdsarecool1212 · 7 years ago
I binged the entire thing this weekend. The whole thing is amazing and I wish it was shown in high schools for awareness of all these issues
deleted · 7 years ago
I didn't finished it yet but yeah it brings so much problems that seems like nothin today.
Imma read the book too
nerdsarecool1212 · 7 years ago
I read the book years ago and I didn't remember a lot of it when I watched the show but this summer I want to try to re read it.
rosebud · 7 years ago
No spoilers, what's it about?
nerdsarecool1212 · 7 years ago
This teenaged girl named Hannah Baker took her own life. Before she committed suicide, she recorded her "Thirteen Reasons Why" on cassette tapes and left them behind instead of a suicide note. These tapes are passed on to each person she listed a reason why she ended her own life. The story is told from the perspective of a boy named Clay who receives the tapes in the mail. But he has no idea why he would be one of the reasons why. The entire show is Clay trying to piece together everything that happened leading up to her death.
nerdsarecool1212 · 7 years ago
It's so good. I highly recommend everyone watch it. Not only does it address issues like teen depression and suicide but other dark issues that not everyone takes very seriously or recognize is going on.
rosebud · 7 years ago
That sounds pretty cool. I'll check it out.
nerdsarecool1212 · 7 years ago
It is. I really liked it. It did the book justice in my opinion.