deleted · 7 years ago
Don't hesitate to re-apply for these jobs, or to call to ask how it's going.
Two weeks is a normal timd I'd say but don't be afraid to remind them you exist
diyrogue · 7 years ago
A lot of places don't like you to call and will put you on a " do not hire " list and most of them also have a time period you have to wait before reapplying
deleted · 7 years ago
Call them once a week. Get your name out, maybe even pop in and ask about your application. DRESS TO IMPRESS. Make those bitches WANT to hire you. Let them know you're super interested in their job
diety · 7 years ago
Lmao if you think 20 applications is a lot, you're in for a wild ride.
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
Go in, show your face, make a good impression. You want their impression to be "responsible and takes charge" not "sit at home and wait for something to happen"
metalman · 7 years ago
Are you working now?
parisqeen · 7 years ago
Yeah what diety said, it may take a lot more then 20 applications to get hired, I wouldn't blame yourself completely though. Check your resume, go get some experience and do a course so it's more impressive, go in physically so they know who you are as a person (they'll be more likely to remember you). Overall, just keep trying and don't give up cause you'll get hired eventually, just a matter of effort and time