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deleted · 9 years ago
Nope. Full blast. Always.
rin_okumura · 9 years ago
But how long does it last, once you cough or sneeze? Does it play the full song?
deleted · 9 years ago
Only a snippet of the part you and the majority of people hate the modt
pattywhack125 · 9 years ago
Least fave song
deleted · 9 years ago
Here's another one:
Would you rather have $10,000 in cash right now, or really good dynamic theme music that follows you wherever you go? (you're the only one who can hear the music)
deleted · 9 years ago
$10,000 obviously
deleted · 9 years ago
Would you rather eat candy tastes like poop or poop tastes like candy ?
deleted · 9 years ago
Candy that tastes like poop, as it would not be full of bacteria
deleted · 9 years ago
Great :D
deleted · 9 years ago
Would you rather lift a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers?
deleted · 9 years ago
Ton of bricks :D
deleted · 9 years ago
Feathers. I'd make giant wings from them and fly around but not like Iccarus.
deleted · 9 years ago
Don't fly near the sun...
deleted · 9 years ago
The candle will melt
deleted · 9 years ago
Exactly. That's why I said NOT like him. ;-)
xshadowxqueenx · 9 years ago
Here's one.
Would you rather your crush save you while you were naked, drowning
would you rather do mouth to mouth on your crush with bad breath
carbonatedwaffles · 9 years ago
Crush save me while I'm naked drowning. I got nothing to hide.
deleted · 9 years ago
Yeah same as CE for me
deleted · 9 years ago
deleted · 9 years ago
My crush save me while I'm naked, they might enjoy it...;)