by xshadowxqueenx · 23 comments 9 years ago
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lane6 · 9 years ago
Virginia Tech, Appalachian State University, High Point, Marymount (maybe)
ruiningtheeffect · 9 years ago
U of Chicago, Loyola, Princeton, Yale, Drake, and Butler
texasranger · 9 years ago
I go to Sam Houston State University probably a school none of you have heard of
stark · 9 years ago
I'm going to RIT. You?
xshadowxqueenx · 9 years ago
Possibly Rutgers, YU, maybe taking classes at Juliard (if they accept), maybe Brooklyn
deleted · 9 years ago
I'm a senior still in HS but I was planning on going to Lincoln tech. In Denver
deleted · 9 years ago
I'm going to Full Sail University
Hell bars up that door, and I will break in with the force of Jesus
ruiningtheeffect · 9 years ago
Full Sail looks so cool but my parents would pretty much disown me if I didn't "get a real degree from a real college or university"
deleted · 9 years ago
Your parents sound worse than my mom. That's saying something.
ruiningtheeffect · 9 years ago
It's mainly my dad. He wants me to be some big research scientist so that way I don't have to worry about student loans in the future but I don't even know if I'm that into science. I'm good at it (except physics) but I don't /enjoy/ it
deleted · 9 years ago
If you don't enjoy what your doing for a living then your not living your life
ruiningtheeffect · 9 years ago
Exactly! I've always said that I don't want to get a degree that'll lead to a job that I'll hate by the time I'm 40 when it's too late to go back
deleted · 9 years ago
Yea, I here you. I was pushed into the military life since I was 4. Don't get me wrong, I have as much respect for our men and women as anyone else but its not what I wanna do. So instead, I told everybody to bug off and I became a jack of all trades kind of guy. Working on cars and painting houses. I love it, its good honest work for honest pay. I can't see myself doing anything different.
deleted · 9 years ago
You are truly living
jensensbooty · 9 years ago
Stanford, University of Chicago, UCLA, Columbia, University of Washington, University of Michigan, Pepperdine, University of Berkley and some others
katiemoneymaker · 9 years ago
Pre-med at UNL and loving it because I'm getting closer and closer to my dream job
deleted · 9 years ago
I go to university of Detroit mercy, I study engineering
claulamb · 9 years ago
RUM. I start classes tomorrow :(
mickymouse · 9 years ago
Does international colleges count? If so, OTAGO UNIVERSITY
thethirdi · 9 years ago