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deleted · 9 years ago
My girlfriend broke up with me cuz she moved away too, my advice: Keep in contact even after breakup, hang out with friends, have fun! Keep fit/active (it'll take your mind off it) and just enjoy life! There are plenty more fish in the ocean
inspirationandlove · 9 years ago
Hi Jenson.
I'd like to start by saying I really hope you don't kill yourself because I enjoy seeing you on this site. I'd also like to add, that I understand what it feels like to be dependant on someone. However, it is not healthy. By depending on your boyfriend, he holds your life in his hands. You should be the only person who can control your life. By putting that on him you're harming both of you. As well as, if he is going to college and considering leaving you, why would you want to be with him anyway? I know you love him and I know he helped heal you, but are you with him because you love him, or because you're so dependant on him? What you have to do is empower yourself and love yourself enough to want to live simply to see each day. Many people have their lives taken from them. Many people are murdered and their last though is wishing to live for just one more second. Why would you want to take that away? What about seeing your pets everyday?
inspirationandlove · 9 years ago
What about eating ice cream on the beach? Or hugging someone? Or taking the subway to The Empire State Building? Or all of the marvelous lovely things we humans to do brighten our lives? Dont give up. Dont give him that power. Put makeup on, do your hair, and find someone. I'm sure you're at least a teenager, maybe in your early twenties. You have so much to live for. Babies to have. Kisses to give. Movies to watch. And friends to make. Keep living. Keep going. It can only get better. If he leaves,watch him go with a smile. If he stays, love him as long as you can. You are a goddess made of stardust and humanities' hopes. Dont give that all up for someone who is also trying to find themselves. We're all trying to find our way. Keep going and do it with love in your heart.
gottalovepotter · 9 years ago
Please don't do it. There's a lot of people here who care about you. And just because you lose someone important to you doesn't mean life doesn't keep going. My ex boyfriend killed himself and didn't even say goodbye to me. I blamed myself, still do sometimes. But there are some things that you can't prevent. And I know how you feel because I feel the same way about my current boyfriend, he means the world to me. And I know you're a strong person. If you want, you can message me on telegram @gottalovepotter. I'm always willing to talk, okay? And if he does break up with you, adamjensen is right. Try and stay friends. Or try long distance and if that doesn't work, it doesn't work. Good luck, keep us updated!
gottalovepotter · 9 years ago
And xxanonymousxx that was a total dickass thing to say to her. Fuck you.
xxanonymousxx · 9 years ago
People want attention. People love attention. If she really needed help or advise she would seek out a professional who is trained to handle this situation, not post a cry for attention on a stupid website
inspirationandlove · 9 years ago
She might be a teenager with no money and no car. Its not easy to just call someone either. I called many suicide hotlines and weirdly enough couldn't find a reliable anonymous one. You have no right to judge her. She trusts us to help her. Dont criticize her. If you don't like it, then leave.
xxanonymousxx · 9 years ago
youre full of yourself
gottalovepotter · 9 years ago
That's untrue. I hate talking to therapists but I'll talk to someone online for hours. Fuck off.
inspirationandlove · 9 years ago
I'm full of myself?
gottalovepotter · 9 years ago
@andlove, no. You're not. You're an awesome person and you're kind and just don't stop being you.
inspirationandlove · 9 years ago
Ph girl you know I wont. No one will ever stop me from being myself. As for you, you're awesome as well. Not to mention brave and a truly inspiring person. I'm sorry for your loss, and I hope you're okay.
gottalovepotter · 9 years ago
Yeah, I'm okay. September of last year. I'll be okay though.
inspirationandlove · 9 years ago
Its not your fault. I know I dont know you or him. But The Universe decides when its our time. He was born to leave when he did. You cant affect that. I have a feeling deep in my soul that you didn't cause it. However, I know the guilt that comes with death. I hope you let go all of your negativity towards it and remember the good times. Every adversity makes you stronger. You're a beautiful girl and you definitely have a bright future. I hope he went quickly and is at peace now. After death, all there is for them is light. The living have to suffer for their decisions. I sincerely wish for you to be happy and to live your life peacefully. You have the gift of life and I hope you wear it out to its full extent:)
deleted · 9 years ago
Please, whatever you do, do NOT harm yourself in anyway, not only will you cause pain to yourself but also your loved ones, please don't ever harm yourself, I, for one, would be heartbroken to see something happen to you. You're a beautiful person, please take care of yourself
morganwinchester · 9 years ago
Dont take anonymous personally. People say anything on the internet when nobody knows who they are. That person is a total ass anyway. obviously they want the attention or else they wouldn't have made a comment like that to get a reaction.
Also, it will be okay. I know that's lame and not very helpful, but it WILL be okay. You were MADE to be with someone, and you know what if it's not your boyfriend then it will be another guy. Heartbreaks are a part of life. I know it hurts and I know it's not fair, but when you meet the man you were destined for, you will be SO happy that the others didn't work out. You never know. Maybe your boyfriend right now is that guy. Just take a few breaths, talk to him. Be honest. Tell him how you're feeling. Let him know how much he means to you and let him know your fears. It's an important part of the relationship. If you keep it bottled up, it will eat you up and that will come out in dangerous spurts of emotions that can hurt both of you. Best of luck
jensensbooty · 9 years ago
Thank you all of you. You've helped me so much and I went to see my therapist today and she's prescribing me anti-depressants and anti-anxieties. I know that I'll be okay whatever his decision is.
And @anynomous, fuck you. I am not attention seeking and never have been. I try to stay out of the limelight and do have a professional trying to help me, I just can't see her until a certain time on a certain day and sometimes I need help when she can't talk to me. Don't try to act like you know who I am or what I am like because you don't. It seems to me that the comments you are leaving are attention seeking for yourself. Don't minimalize someone else's pain.
xxanonymousxx · 9 years ago
Pain has no worth my dear
inspirationandlove · 9 years ago
Anonymous just leave. You are a hateful person and you obviously lack sympathy. Please stop bullying this girl or I will report you.
deleted · 9 years ago
Anonymous, I usually am very polite, but please ,for the love of all that's holy, f***k off!