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morganwinchester · 9 years ago
What do you want? A TV show about atheism? Really? There's no history to it. There's nothing to it. You CAN NOT complain when you made your own choice. Nobody forced you to be atheist. Want a radio station for just atheists? Make one. You don't need everything handed to you. Christians have air time and TV shows because they MAKE them. They didn't just magically appear. Your argument makes zero sense.
xxanonymousxx · 9 years ago
No you were saying that the poor Christians are misunderstood and hated. No they are not. Stop trying to shift the blame. And as for the TV shows yeah we have 1 for every 500 Christian show out there, we are greatly out numbered and many groups are trying to take them down. As for choice... No my atheism is an involuntary reaction to a deficit of evidence. Once you come up with demonstrable evidence for God then we can talk. Until then they are only fantasies.
xxanonymousxx · 9 years ago
And what do you mean by no history. athiests have been around for as long as religion has. We have shaped your God into what it is now, through the desperate excuses that people come up to rationalise what cannot be rationalised
deleted · 9 years ago
How about we drop this matter before it gets out of hand, you have your beliefs, we have ours
xxanonymousxx · 9 years ago
One example out of the many ancient atheists is Epicurus
deleted · 9 years ago
deleted · 9 years ago
I am commenting because I dislike religion and want to see the battle.
xxanonymousxx · 9 years ago
Welcome to the show
morganwinchester · 9 years ago
Yes but atheism has nothing. You don't have a book to follow, you don't have the same things that Christians do. You just dont believe in anything.
deleted · 9 years ago
stark · 9 years ago
Wow this turned ugly real fast
otamega · 9 years ago
Lets be frank:
chelseajenise · 9 years ago
I believe that the world would be peaceful even without religion if we just learn to love and respect one another.
xxanonymousxx · 9 years ago
Atheists do what we feel is right. We do good because it feels good, not because we want to get rewarded or feel that we will get punished for eternity if we don't. We feel bad if we do bad and we don't pray it away, we apologise and makes amends to that person. We don't blindly follow an ancient book that a group of desert people wrote.
That book has been edited, translated, refined, re-edited, retranslated, and so on and so forth.
Even if that it was the word of God, it's been lost by now with all the tempering it has been through.
Anything that could qualify as a God would see this flaw and at least update the damn book. But he can't, you know why? He doesn't exist.
deleted · 9 years ago
Not all people who believe in God are religious. I've only ever read the first few pages of The Bible and have never been to church but I still believe in a higher power. Just saying.
xxanonymousxx · 9 years ago
Then you are a deist not a Christian
deleted · 9 years ago
No. I am me. Too many labels. Just be yourself.
deleted · 9 years ago
@anonymous, as a christian, I'm not motivated to do good by reward or threat of punishment but by love.
When I wrong someone, I don't "pray it away" I do the same as you and apologize and make amends. I ask God for forgiveness too because when I've wronged someone else, I've wronged him too so praying for forgiveness is a natural extension of making amends for me.
I don't blindly follow an ancient book. I follow God and I love him and he loves me. That's the core of christianity. Love. It's all about love. I'm sorry that we've made it about other things and hurt people in his name. I think what we've done to hurt people breaks his heart and I'm truly sorry for the hurt christians have caused.
deleted · 9 years ago
Everyone, please. I thought we could have a place where we have civil debate, not mindless arguments. Then again, every time someone vents on this god-forsaken site, it gets swarmed by hate. Forget it. Just go back to screaming at each other.
morganwinchester · 9 years ago
@Brethilwen, that was great. You said in one post what tons of Christians try to get across to people in an entire conversation. I applaud that.