deleted · 9 years ago
Don't pretend to be something else for other people because the kind of "friends" you'll get that way won't like you for you. So be you. Maybe ask your current friends to introduce you to some of their other friends? If you join a club or a team for something you're interested in, that can help you find people with similar interests.
mickymouse · 9 years ago
Like brethilwen said, just be yourself and maybe join clubs or teams to meet new people. You're only 13 and will likely find that as you get older you'll meet new, interesting people, you just have to put yourself out there and be yourself.
otamega · 9 years ago
Be willing to invest your time in people cause for sure they will, more than otherwise, not invest time in you. Be willing to be patient and know that having good relationships comes with progress and time.
deleted · 9 years ago
Well, in my opinion, I think you should sign up for a sports club, get active, you'll meet new people and increase your social circle, you'll also gain TONS of health benefits as an added bonus :)
rin_okumura · 9 years ago
I agree with all of the above. I'm a really shy person, and only have a few friends, so I guess I'm not the best person for advice in this situation, but try to make an impression on people. (I am in no way trying to show myself off here) Although I'm shy, I'm nice to people and have good grades, so people think of me as a good and smart person. That's the impression I leave on people. I'm not sure if that means they like me, but they are friendly and find me easy to approach. Joining a club really helps, too. I was in the art club at my school, and I met lots of nice and encouraging people.
rin_okumura · 9 years ago
Also, having just a few friends does not mean you should see yourself as an unlikable person. I think having a small amount of really good friends is a great thing, but I guess you might see it differently. :) Either way, good luck!
xshadowxqueenx · 9 years ago
If you have good friends in school, then you're fine. You don't need 10 different friends, just a couple good ones
thebeginning · 9 years ago
I'm with shadow queen in the end there are really only going to be a few friends left. Don't worry so much about not having many friends
thethirdi · 9 years ago
How big is your school?
timebender25 · 9 years ago
Is this about amounts now? I had 1 friend last year. Just become better friends wit the 4 you have.
timebender25 · 9 years ago
needmorec4 · 9 years ago
Yeah all the above advice is great and you should really just be grateful to have 4 great friends that's plenty. If you see some living stereotype popular kid with their huge crowd of people that they aren't really great friends with dont compare amounts, what you have is actually better if that's the case. It's not about how many friends you have but becoming great friends with the ones you do. Sappy long post over
lokihasthephonebox · 9 years ago
I have four friends but they're the best I could ask for. Sometimes small groups is better than big:) but if you want more friends, just be open and be yourself. Try to be friendly to everyone and I'm sure you'll make a friend or two.