metalman · 9 years ago
Sorry about the long message, I just needed to vent a bit.
inspirationandlove · 9 years ago
First off, you should calm down. Open a nice book and take a bath with 1/3 cup of Epsom salt. The magnesium will help calm you down. Or make some tea. Add some honey and cream and take a break from life for even a half hour.
Second, you should be grateful, as I've done the same thing. However I was too busy playing air guitar to notice the pickup truck coming towards me and I literally was almost killed. So I've been there. You have to prioritize. Realize that the world is literally ginormous and you are almost insignificant. That one day you will die just like me and you have to enjoy your short time here. Think of this in a comforting way. You have a whole life to mess up, have fun, and enjoy yourself because your life is literally one long experience. Just kick back and take it slow. If your friends are stressing you out, take a break from them. If school is stressing you out, let me know and we can get you organized. Family will always be stressful so just take it as it comes.
inspirationandlove · 9 years ago
Just chillax and enjoy the ride. Also be grateful for the little things. That guy could have made you pay a lot of money and it would have upped your insurance. So smile because now for the rest of your life that guy has given you a discount. Be happy. Like I always say "Dont take life too seriously, you wont make it out alive"
metalman · 9 years ago
I've tried doing that relaxing and all that and it just ends up making the stuff I'm stressing about worse. The only thing that I know for sure can and will relieve my stress is either to let it boil until I explode or vent. I'm a pacifist so I prefer the latter and try to do it but sometimes it's just impossible to do. Thank you inspiration for replying.
deleted · 9 years ago
Hey inspiration have you ever listened to the comedian Bill Hicks? I think you'd like some of his viewpoints on things.
inspirationandlove · 9 years ago
I'm a pacifist too. I understand. If you can't relax, and you're really stressed, you need an outlet. Its the only option left. As a pacifist, its hard to find ways to vent white-hot rage in a healthy way. Its easy to become bitter and hateful. I just signed myself up for guitar lessons, plus I play with babies. It really calms me down and helps put things into perspective. What do you like to do? This might seem pointless but I,promise it can help. At least then your channeling your stress into something
inspirationandlove · 9 years ago
No crfwannabe I haven't. How are our views similar? I'll have to listen to him tomorrow
metalman · 9 years ago
Xbox and youtube typically. Sometimes driving but after today it just more or less stresses me out anymore.
deleted · 9 years ago
I don't know if they're similar but I just think you'd find them interesting. And he's funny.
inspirationandlove · 9 years ago
You could start a YouTube channel. Just talk about something you enjoy, whether its Xbox or a course on good driving or even just talking about your life. Or, you could get a job with a car company and drove people places for extra pocket money. If you do start a channel, I could get you some viewers. You could even start a channel about other channels, like a funny review
inspirationandlove · 9 years ago
I'll download some acts of his for tomorrow and let you know what I think:D
deleted · 9 years ago here's a short clip
otamega · 9 years ago
1. Get a pen and stab boxes with all your strength till your arms are sore
2. Write in a journal
3. Exercise esp. Cardio
deleted · 9 years ago
I like kneading bread for stress relief and to get anger out. And it ends in delicious bread so it's a win-win. If you do the journaling like otamega said, write down the best part of the day. Done over time, it can help you train yourself to see more of the good things in life and that helps balance out the stressful stuff. And if you're overwhelmed, I've been learning to not dwell on the outcome of things and just do the next right thing. I can't really control much anyway, so it's a waste of energy to worry about things I have no control over. Just taking one day at a time and doing the next thing. I've found that helpful. I hope you're feeling better.