mickymouse · 9 years ago
Hey! So I got mine done in November.
It didn't hurt much at all for me just a few tips though: don't drink alcohol before piercing as it thins the blood and will make it BLEED, ask to get it pierced with a needle NOT a gun, use either tea tree oil or salt water and clean it 2x daily, the piercer should give you some more aftercare information if you ask. :)
meowkitten · 9 years ago
Thanks a lot!!:3
deleted · 9 years ago
I've never had a nose piercing, so I'm just wondering, can you breathe through the hole they make?
meowkitten · 9 years ago
meowkitten · 9 years ago
I got my nose pierced today and wanted to say thank you to mickymouse to the help.:*
deleted · 9 years ago
You could say it was a HOLE new experience
meowkitten · 9 years ago
That pun...very good sir.:-)