under_fire · 9 years ago
I'm actually a previous funsubster in disguise... and I'm not Issac.
deleted · 9 years ago
Nobody gives a shitm
deleted · 9 years ago
Not cool crfwannabe,not cool bro
whotalia · 9 years ago
*suspence intensifies*
deleted · 9 years ago
He's right though. Too much drama sometimes.
deleted · 9 years ago
Its a website, not a meet and match
deleted · 9 years ago
LOL so why is there so much shipping going on?
deleted · 9 years ago
Shipping is cheap pending on where you live, like I wanted to get something but shipping and handling was like 30$. I was like awwwww yssss
deleted · 9 years ago
I'm so confused right now.
ggthegiraffe · 9 years ago
The fact that you had to specify that you aren't Isaac makes me suspicious...