hunterdunovant · 9 years ago
They are hard but sometimes worth it.
stark · 9 years ago
If you can pull it off, then you're meant for each other. It takes a lot of work though.
deleted · 9 years ago
It works for some, it didn't work for me :/
deleted · 9 years ago
I am in one right now. It does take a lot of work and trust for sure, but I say that it is worth it in the end.
texasranger · 9 years ago
Most of the time they aren't worth it. They only work if both people are incredibly invested and have known each other for a while and have the means to communicate easily and see each other when the chance arises if neither one of these is available to you then dont. Trust me
deleted · 9 years ago
I am in one. Sorta. It's fun.
pebbleinthepond · 9 years ago
I'm in one right now and we've been going strong for what will be a year in october. When you trust, communicate, and love someone, and put the work into it. It works and can be amazing.