chakun · 7 years ago
chakun · 7 years ago
The only thing I don't like about it is that it's too short.
betterthanyou · 7 years ago
If tool ever releases a new album it won't be too short. Rumor has it that all the songs are over 10 minutes. Eeeep
chakun · 7 years ago
Dude, Tijuana Sunrise is such a great jam...
betterthanyou · 7 years ago
Damn. It is.
betterthanyou · 7 years ago
Have missed this type of sound. With the trumpets at what not.
chakun · 7 years ago
Gotta let ska into your life, bro.
betterthanyou · 7 years ago
It is, just been a good while since anything new.