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deleted · 7 years ago
Don't over wash your teeth. Don't take aspirin, you can take ibuprofen but not aspirin since it will make your blood thinner. Take your medicine, don't drink anything hot and sodas, don't sipp, don't smoke. Take a lot of rest because you will be high af, you can't put icepacks on your face and let it clot.
Basic stuff really, but you'll be alright
harmonywho · 7 years ago
It's honestly a breeze if you get someone good. I chose to get put out for the procedure and then I was perfectly fine in less than a week
deleted · 7 years ago
Have the option to make yourself unconscious. It'll be easier for you.
2. They'll pull out your stitches and you really don't want that to happen
3. Sleep sitting up like in a recliner so the blood doesn't go down your throat. If you swallow too much blood you'll throw up.
4. Pudding, jello, soup. Make friends with them.
5. Drink lots of water
6. WRITE DOWN THE TIME YOU TAKE YOUR MEDICINE. You do not want to take too much a d you don't want that. You ESPECIALLY don't want to forget to take them.
7. Move as little as possible for the next few days after surgery. Your medicine will be strong so don't walk about all doped up
deleted · 7 years ago
Also if your cheeks swell up don't worry, happens to nearly everyone
sm19 · 7 years ago
Holy shit thank you all! I didn't think you could over wash your teeth and I never knew about sleeping up because of the blood. I have a week between my summer course and university starting again so hopefully about 10 days will be enough for me to go back and be functional.
deleted · 7 years ago
That should be fine
sm19 · 7 years ago
How bad do they swell up?? :o @mightyoak
deleted · 7 years ago
It's depends on the individual I guess. Mine just barely did but my sisterpoked like a greedy chipmunk
sm19 · 7 years ago
Good lord O_O
deleted · 7 years ago
Don't worry. Take your antibiotics and the swelling should go down with 3 or 5 days
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
I got like 4 baby teeth removed on a last-minute decision. It depends if you're getting a needle or gas for it. Needle hurts, but gas is fine.
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
You should probably drink a lot of water before the procedure because you're most likely not going to be able to do much after
harmonywho · 7 years ago
don't drink too much water, only enough to take the pre-surgery medication. You're not supposed to have a lot in your stomach before your procedure
creativedragonbaby · 7 years ago
Yeah, in case u vomit it up.
sm19 · 7 years ago
THE OFFICIAL DATE IS AUGUST 25TH AT 1:45 OH GOD Also I'm not allowed to eat or drink anything for 6 hours prior to it. I'm getting knocked out apparently so that's gonna be fun.
deleted · 7 years ago
You'll be alright then !
harmonywho · 7 years ago
The needle isn't bad and you'll be fine. It's really nothing to worry about
sm19 · 7 years ago
For those who got fully knocked out how long did it take before you remember what was going on? Also, what is the better option to eat right after jello or pudding?
deleted · 7 years ago
Eat pudding it will make you feel more full
harmonywho · 7 years ago
I liked frozen gogurts and chocolate milk that was stuffed with protein. It barely took a couple of minutes to knock me out, and then when I woke up I wasn't necessarily delirious but it was just like I was really sleepy and tired. I just kinda rested and relaxed for the rest of the day