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kurama_otsutsuki · 7 years ago
I refuse to lie purposefully. I'll bend, stretch, manipulate, and bribe the truth but I'll never outright lie.
deleted · 7 years ago
That ... still count as lying imo tho, the heck ?
kurama_otsutsuki · 7 years ago
Not to us. Example:
*le me searching for a lighter in the drawer and am holding the batteries so I can see*
Old Man: What are you doing"
Me: Putting the batteries back in the drawer

I didn't lie. I was putting the batteries back - that just wasn't what I mainly doing.
deleted · 7 years ago
So still a lie, there's no such thing as a semi-truth
timebender25 · 7 years ago
But I don't like my moral laws. They suck.
kurama_otsutsuki · 7 years ago
It's something my brother pulled me into that he called "Elvish Lying". We still tell the truth but not the whole truth. Like if I'm driving somewhere and if asked I'll say I'm going to the store - I'll be going to the store but it isn't my main stop. That's Sonic.
kurama_otsutsuki · 7 years ago
I'm answering you honestly - you just weren't specific enough and I answered in a way I saw fit.
timebender25 · 7 years ago
That's how I answer questions. Except I usually throw a sarcastic, "Narnia" in front of it.
kurama_otsutsuki · 7 years ago
I'm fairly secretive. I'd rather keep even my most boring activities a secret than let someone know about them.
deleted · 7 years ago
I still consider that a lie since you're specifically asked what you intend to do or doin but okau
deleted · 7 years ago
Okay *
timebender25 · 7 years ago
One could be strict and consider any vague answer "lying".
But by all technicalities, it's not.
kurama_otsutsuki · 7 years ago
Exactly. Lying is telling an intentionally false statement. My reply was not false therefore it isn't a lie.

Who is next? In the meantime, I'm going to study the proper usage of whom.
tarotnathers13th · 7 years ago
Once I become annoyed, all bets are off. Anything or anyone that irritates me into being really fucking angry quickly makes my list of things whom I fervently despise and would rather swallow poison than interact with politely.
deleted · 7 years ago
That's a nice whom sentence bro
I will never hit a girl or touch one without consent
Never fight another teletubby and I will never kill myself intentionally
kurama_otsutsuki · 7 years ago
That's fairly decent. I don't agree with the "never hit a girl" part though. I'm more of a "don't hit anyone unless it's in self-defense". I'm as equally likely to punch a female as I am a male if it's in self-defense.
deleted · 7 years ago
I've been hit by girls before
I mean a push is okay but I won't flat out deck one in the face haha
tarotnathers13th · 7 years ago
Part of the reason women are on the list of things I will respond to was becuase some chick thought it would be funny to run up behind me and shove me into the sidewalk at 50 miles an hour. They weren't particularly apologetic about it, and kept laughing even as my friend helped pick me up. They just did it out of the blue as well, me and my friend were just minding our own business.
mrfahrenheit · 7 years ago
Lawyers don't have morals
timebender25 · 7 years ago
I hate people who shit on things another has put time and effort into making.