Hollywood Undead
by metalman · 20 comments 7 years ago
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metalman · 7 years ago
@shurikkaru Have you heard the new song?
shurikkaru · 7 years ago
Oh? Gimme a minute
shurikkaru · 7 years ago
Ok so verdict. It's alright, music video was ok, the lyrics are fun but mostly unintelligible, best part for me was the chorus and Charlie's section. I think I prefer when it's not so fast paced, so on the Hollywood undead scale for me I give it a 6/10
deleted · 7 years ago
California dreaming is pretty good
Can't wait for the full album tho
metalman · 7 years ago
Da kurlz dropped out of the band, which i didn't even know until the song dropped. I'm with you shurikkaru, its not the greatest sing but its not the worst either.
shurikkaru · 7 years ago
Skaggs really? I just thought he got a haircut
deleted · 7 years ago
Probably another reason why the album is called 5
It's just 5 of them now
Really sucks
shurikkaru · 7 years ago
Yeah I read into it, they aren't acknowledging he's gone but are admitting there's only 5 which sucks but that's usually how they handle this sort of thing
deleted · 7 years ago
Do you guys have like a top 5 songs by them?
shurikkaru · 7 years ago
At this point that's tough, but if I had to pick
And City
metalman · 7 years ago
Fuck thus was hard... i just went through the first three albums...
No. 5
Parasise lost
Up in smoke
deleted · 7 years ago
Black Dahlia
Everywhere I Go
Knife Called Lust
This Love, This Hate
So pretty much just Swan Songs lol
TBH I've not listened to them since their MySpace days (cus I'm old as shit fml)
shurikkaru · 7 years ago
Try out some new stuff, I've enjoyed every album
deleted · 7 years ago
I'll have to have a listen :) thank you ^_^
deleted · 7 years ago
I pretty much have all their songs on my phone haha
I'm definitely looking forward to their new album
metalman · 7 years ago
What do yall think about the no masks thing?
deleted · 7 years ago
I love the masks
So it's a bit disappointing but at the same time I don't care haha
The music is mostly it for me
shurikkaru · 7 years ago
Oh are they doing away with the masks all together? That was one of the coolest parts
deleted · 7 years ago
"Whatever it takes" is better than California dreaming
metalman · 7 years ago
My thoughts exactly