Does anyone have any fun facts they want to share?
by deleted · 15 comments 7 years ago
deleted · 7 years ago
I'll go first
Did you know the tsa has to press a button determining if you're a boy or girl
rosebud · 7 years ago
Bar code scanners scan the white part, not the black part.
casual wHiTe PrIvIlEgE
deleted · 7 years ago
This is wHIte WAsHiNg
deleted · 7 years ago
There's more Airplanes in the ocean than submarines in the sky
hyperion · 7 years ago
You need to masturbate on average 45+ times til your body gives up and dies
deleted · 7 years ago
You know It's cold outside when you go outside and it's cold
sm19 · 7 years ago
Dude smuggled a 20 pound yam across the Mexico boarder into the U.S. to make the worlds first hormonal birth control.
rydler · 7 years ago
Schizophrenics hear voices.
However a Schizophrenic Deaf will rather see voices as two hands floating in their face, signing to them.
rosebud · 7 years ago
Sunlight is called sunlight because it is light from the sun.
Ice is cold.
deleted · 7 years ago
If you put sugar in your gas tank, you'll have a sweet ride
kouyaaotsuki · 7 years ago
Apparently people who mastrubate more frequently have an less chance of getting heart cancer
funkmasterrex · 7 years ago
There is a jellyfish that reverts back to a polyp. It is, unless eaten, immortal.
funkmasterrex · 7 years ago
dragon astrology is as real as normal astrology.
deleted · 7 years ago
Saurischian dinosaurs never went extinct, they live on as birds as they are their direct descendents. Ornithischian dinosaurs, however, left no direct descendents.
funkmasterrex · 7 years ago
and the irony of that dinosaur fact keeps astonishing me. Gallimimus for example.... if anything was going to be a bird you'd think it would be something like that just shrunk. Except... no..... convergent evolution at 100%. Ostrich... at best.