signaturefox2013 · 7 years ago
I was bullied for 10 Years Straight, 1st Grade to my early sophomore Year. Let's get it straight, I was a 300+ Lbs. Man with a voice higher than that of a little girl. I was teased mercilessly. I was depressed, there'd be days where I'd just cry and cry and cry. I had suicidal thoughts. I was afraid of myself. I tried to get help, but no one listened, even my Middle school vp, didn't listen. The kids would tease me for the worst of things: the way i walk, the Way I walked, my voice, my weight, my brother who was in the hospital dying from a gunshot wound to the head. I was in HELL. Also, I couldn't fight back, or risk ruining my reputation, it was a small town school, everybody's parents knew each other, and facing punishment, they could have stopped.
Also, when I bring some of this up, I've been denied or been told I was stupid for thinking the way I was thinking.
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
I was bullied for way too long too (7 or 8 years straight; I can't remember), but if I was to ever go off of a specific time it would be 4th and 5th grade, where literally everyone hated me. I'm not joking, it was like a running gag amongst the kids to insult, beat up, and just overall make my life miserable. I didn't want to go to school, I didn't want to get any better, I was only going because my parents told me to.
I think this is also when I started with the idea of insanity, not just because this was the year I came up with the Dr. Ew character (Even if I never intended to go anywhere with him at the time), but sometimes I would just completely lose it. I would laugh at the jokes pointed at me, I would scream and make a show for the classmates, I would attack some people for no fucking reason, and my worst (and last) moment was when I bear myself up in the bathroom so "Nobody else had to do it for me"
dr_richard_ew · 7 years ago
But rejoice! After that last incident a teacher of mine was so shocked to hear me say that that she took me out of class for the day, and I came back the next day with a gift basket full of toys and shit from my teacher, brand new rules established to keep the kids from bullying me anymore, and my favorite part being apologized to by EVERYONE who ever gave me crap.
Of course I was still bullied a few years after (the grade 6 kids and up never really got the memo so they were still pains in the ass), but at least my story ends happily.
deleted · 7 years ago
When I tried to kill myself I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
kouyaaotsuki · 7 years ago
My transition to my school in Aberdeen was slightly delayed. It was middle school, and I missed the first two WEEKS. People teased me for missing the first week as well as my name (I'm Chinese) My last school was an international school in aberdeen, there were people that been in my shoes there. I was extremely introvert, and just about the least sportiest person to ever face earth. And people think it will make them popular if they bully me for just about everything. It got so bad that at the end of the year I was having long emails with trained therapists on childline. I would occasionally cry to myself when I'm at home. I was trapped in my own mind with nowhere to run. Childline helped me keep my line, and help me step two steps forward every time I take one step back. The bullying started getting less annoying. But for some reason the S1 pupils, or grade 6 people were thinking it's funny to be an racists on the bus home from school. I have recorded evidence of them making fun of
kouyaaotsuki · 7 years ago
my name on my phone if I ever needed to make their lives miserable now.
I just want to get the message across that childline is there for everyone, child or elderly! Because they helped a lot more than my school counsellor.
deleted · 7 years ago
A couple months back when the girl I loved told me we couldn't talk anymore because her dad was nervous about a guy talking to his daughter in a language he didn't know, which is understandable.
tarotnathers13th · 7 years ago
Feeling like a nervous wreck about some nighttime accidents I kept having almost until I was seventeen. My mom was especially furious about it since hygiene was a big thing for her, and what made it worse was when she threatened to tell everyone I knew about my embarassing secret if I didn't get it together. I didn't keep a large number or any friends for that reason, and didn't want to socialize with even family out of that sword hanging over my head. I'm pretty sure they all knew though. They were just polite enough to ignore her. It always made me feel unwanted, and despite it being behind me it still shapes how I interact with anyone. What really crushed me was her and my dad talking about me while they thought I was sleeping, that something was wrong with me, and the only way something was wrong with me was because something wasn't right in my head.