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deleted · 7 years ago
And they are there. They are hearing me but they are not listening to me.
kouyaaotsuki · 7 years ago
Im under 17 years of age so I can't help much for you, I would recommend you to childline, it doesn't matter what age you are, you don't have to call them , you can anonymously email them by making an account, childline always helped me when I'm down.
deleted · 7 years ago
Hey I am not that old. I am still 17
deleted · 7 years ago
But thanks man. I will sure check it out.
I want to go to a counsellor so hard but I am broke af and also my mother is really sick. So I am trying to postpone it.
deleted · 7 years ago
I know your feeling very well ... It started pretty much the same way too, but eventually I had some awesome smol people to help me go through all that, I'm still having thoughts from time to time but now I can manage them with their help.
I know I'm mostly just a freaking weirdo to you, but if you ever need to talk you can always email me or kik me.
We're going through practically the same thing and I'd be happy to help you like some helped me
deleted · 7 years ago
Hey. Who says you are a weirdo man! Yeah you sure like to make us cry. But you are awesome. You are probably the only reason why people on this site are connected to their feels side.
deleted · 7 years ago
Nah, that's giving me way too much credits lol
But seriously, I want you to know that you're not alone in this okay ? It gets better, it's dumb but it really does, and we'll be here for you
deleted · 7 years ago
They were perfect credits to give. And Thanks. I really don't know how to say that it feels to know that at least someone is there.
deleted · 7 years ago
Don't worry, you'll always have someone here, it's part of our job ahah
My email is in my bio if you ever want to talk and my kik username is the same as here, don't hesitate, and mostly don't be afraid to tell how you feel, I won't judge especially because I know what you're going through
kouyaaotsuki · 7 years ago
Join the Kik chat, no regrets
parisqeen · 7 years ago
Love is a difficult thing to understand and deal with, I'm the same in that sense. It can make you super depressed if you felt like this persons presence and relationship made you better then it breaks, so don't feel ashamed of these emotions. It will feel like a break up kind of and that takes a long time to get over but eventually you do and it gets better with help and time. It's great of you to have shared with us, thank you for doing that we're always here for you if you need us. I suggest talking with people you feel comfortable with (take up yuki's offer he's a beautiful guy) and forgiving yourself for feeling sad, it's okay, talk to a psychologist that'll also help. Just let yourself process and get over these thoughts, feelings and emotions and eventually you'll feel better.
deleted · 7 years ago
Thank you Paris. Thank you very much. I will definitely take Yuki's offer. But right now I am pretty busy. But make no mistake I will keep myself safe and will try to get over this.
parisqeen · 7 years ago
Good on you spook x
deleted · 7 years ago
Yup! :)
deleted · 7 years ago
That's great, that's the spirit my friend, gotta keep fighting
adorkable · 7 years ago
Yuki is one of the best guys to go to for advice, and I'm always here if you just need to rant
deleted · 7 years ago
Well Ranting is something which I strive to learn. Would you mind teaching me?
deleted · 7 years ago
Ahah, it's easy my friend. Just pick someone you feel comfortable enough with and let it all out, talk about how you feel, how you'd like to feel, what's bugging you etc ...
adorkable · 7 years ago
Just tell me if you want my email or kik username :)
deleted · 7 years ago
Now I definitely need to join Kik. The first thing I will do tomorrow.