deleted · 6 years ago
Only if you look at mine fam
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
sure. Linkit
deleted · 6 years ago
That's the 6th chapter but you get to the first one through that
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
Ah ok
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
Sorry, my mum dragged me to do yard work
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
Ok so first up: NO POST ON SUNDAYS
Also I've looked up a few writing tips in my time and apparently it's annoying to the reader when metaphors are repeated in a short time frame.
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
Hey I read yours and the storyline and characters are really good now can u plz read mine?
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
Hey you should search up the difference between claws and talons. I think they're pretty cool
deleted · 6 years ago
Alright I'll read it tonight
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
Mmkkkk now what
deleted · 6 years ago
Good but not my kind of genera
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
Mmk. Np bro.
I need help on how to make my universe more detailed.
deleted · 6 years ago
Dont make it too complicated to start off. Work up to the complicated stuff.
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
Yeah, but I've looked up to JK Rowling. She's made it so complicated and intricate, I'm in awe of the little details.
deleted · 6 years ago
My writing style is straight and to the point, like an arrow.
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
Mm, but I like finding little hints and references. I want to write a series people can make theories about