Jennifer Lawrence is disgusting
by jade · 16 comments 6 years ago
jade · 6 years ago
Look, I know that by now this is old news, but let me just say something. Jennifer not calling out the "female employee" but calling out Harvey is gross. If anyone in Hollywood is untouchable, it's her. It's not like she's afraid of not getting hired again, people have worked with her that don't like her before. Jennifer also has leverage because this woman is associated with Harvey, since he knew about the incident. Not calling her out for WHAT reason? This could have happened only about ten years ago or so, so she's likely still working. And if it did happen to other girls as Jennifer claims, she would have her story backed up. I'm sorry but she's a coward and a disgusting human.
jade · 6 years ago
If you don't know what I'm talking about Philly D had it in a recent episode:
fell__equinox · 6 years ago
So Jennifer is disgusting because she said Harvey molested her?
jade · 6 years ago
Harvey never molested her
fell__equinox · 6 years ago
How do you know? Is it in the YouTube link?
jade · 6 years ago
hold on "since this" in my paragraph needs to be changed to if, sorry
jade · 6 years ago
fell, that has nothing to do with what I was saying. I nowhere said that calling out harvey for molesting HER was disgusting. She never said he did to my knowledge. But Harvey was safe to call out because he was already exposed. The female and male producers she talks about in the nude lineup situation still go unnamed despite Jennifer's power.
fell__equinox · 6 years ago
Ah, you need to state your issue more clearly. Maybe there's more going on than we know.
jade · 6 years ago
I do need to work on being more clear, but you accused me of saying something completely different than what I did say.
fell__equinox · 6 years ago
I'm sorry for that, but your initial paragraph was a jumbled rant. Now that I get what you're saying, I take back my previous cimment
jade · 6 years ago
Don't worry bro, I do know my writing was a little eh and I did already point out a mistake in there
fell__equinox · 6 years ago
So how do you know she lied abouut it though?
jade · 6 years ago
I never said she lied about it. What I was trying to say is, if other girls were in the nude lineup as she claimed, she would have witnesses in the case that calling out the producers were to result in legal action. She's covered, there
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
Can you do a TL:DR?
deleted · 6 years ago
This is off topic, but weren't you the funsubster that really looked like jennifer lawrence? Or was that someone else
jade · 6 years ago
Creative TL:DR Lawrence refuses to name producers who mistreated her, permitting them to mistreat other young women as people who knew about Harvey Weinstein did