sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
I tend not to talk to people much and only really talk with a few people, but hormones completely override this. If it's a guy, then I won't give them the time of day unless they have something I find entertaining, but females just skip the entertainment step simply because of hormones making me more tolerant of them. It's both a curse and a blessing.
rydler · 6 years ago
I went through a really hard phase: disliking people, introverted, socially awkward, and depressed. Not fun. It is a very odd thing. I agree with you.
rydler · 6 years ago
*slightly depressed.
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
I'm trying to remember my middle school days when I was the center of all things social. Staying with my brother for a year and then essentially living by myself with minimal contact with others combined with teenage hormones made me a completely asocial character who can only show emotions when he is around certain people. Add a crush into the mix and you know I'm in high school. Also depression. And insecurity.
rydler · 6 years ago
I never was the social center, I avoided it. Crushed were terrible, suddenly I had to talk to someone outside of my inner dialogue, I didn’t know how. Insecurity? I wore a black jacket for 5 years, rain or shine.
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
Nah, my crush is an extrovert, so it's not an issue for me. The biggest issue is trying to figure her out and my constant worry about things like whether she was flirting or not or why she thought I'd look best with a red anti-drug bow in my hair and whether that means she thinks I look good or not... As I said, I was outside of human contact for quite a while and I don't really know looks enough to determine if I look good or not. Combine that with the fact that I cannot remember faces and I am absolutely lost about it.
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
I did the jacket thing too! I wore a black jacket everyday no matter what. From 4th grade to 10th grade I always wore a dark jacket to school, but it wasn't really an insecurity thing for me as much as a comfortable familiarity with my jacket. I'm a senior now, so I try to have more variance so I don't look so boring. For the first month or so I wore absolutely all black clothing because I didn't know what to wear. Then my sister appeared and decided on how I needed to start dressing, so now I wear clothing with more variance.
rydler · 6 years ago
I wore the jacket for familiarity too, I started because someone pointed out how skinny I am. 5th grade up to 10th grade. I only stopped because my mom took my jacket away. My crushes were extroverts, but it was still strange to talk to a new person. I usually wore my jackets over my hands.
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
I was fairly skinny until I was around 15 or so when I became lean. Chopping entire pine trees into piles of logs will do that to you. I don't really know what to do with my hands while walking, so just putting them into my jacket pockets solves it quite easily.
rydler · 6 years ago
Haha. Surprisingly, i seem really skinny, but I'm pretty athletic.
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
I wouldn't call myself athletic. I am stronger than I appear, but my stamina is shit. Throwing logs, chopping wood, and walking on your hands doesn't really build stamina.
rydler · 6 years ago
Well, by athletic i mean i can do much more than people expected. Its funny to see their reactions
mrfahrenheit · 6 years ago
I'm in a very weird extro-intro split. Like, I can perform science in front of like, 80 people fine, but I also don't want to talk to people or deal with them but then I also play handball with the lads.