rwby_rose · 9 years ago
Btw that account got banned.. I guess due to that watermark picture... my bad..
randommelancholy · 9 years ago
Meeee! <3
randommelancholy · 9 years ago
Can't believe no one else here does
rwby_rose · 9 years ago
Yay! A fellow creampuff! :D How far into the show are you?
randommelancholy · 9 years ago
Season 2, episode 21! Haven't been watching much lately, because I was on holidays... And you? :)
rwby_rose · 9 years ago
I'm up to the latest episodes..I'm gonna warn you in advance,the show gets depressing.
randommelancholy · 9 years ago
Oh wow in what sense? Wait. Don't answer ahshsh now I need to watch! Haha
I was enjoying it a lot lately, I kinda like it when Laura and carm aren't together, because they are so cute trying to hide it
rwby_rose · 9 years ago
Yep,they're cute..enjoy the Hollstein cuteness while it lasts XD
randommelancholy · 9 years ago
Uuuuh you're giving me a bad feeling xD
randommelancholy · 9 years ago
Who's your fave character?
rwby_rose · 9 years ago
XD Uhm... I guess LaFontaine..
randommelancholy · 9 years ago
:D lafontaine is the coolest, especially in combination with JP <3
rwby_rose · 9 years ago
Ikr? But my fangirl heart will always ship LaFerry... or maybe LaF + Perry + JP.. pretty cool OT3 :P
randommelancholy · 9 years ago
OBVIOUSLY LAFERRY IS ENDGAME! Perry is soo cute! Hahha but I love how much LaF and JP are into the situations, it's so funny to hear them talk.
rwby_rose · 9 years ago
XD Ikr? I love how different they are,but they're still so in love.. I love those kinds of couples
randommelancholy · 9 years ago
Hahah read: Carmilla and Laura <3 I
I felt bad for Dani in season one though, we need a ship for her