tarotnathers13th · 6 years ago
Everyone has things to say about EA's despicable business practices, but don't forget that EA and every other big game publisher and company mimic each others successes. Overwatch made a killing off lootboxes, and before that, TF2 and CS:GO made bank selling you keys to open your boxes. Some folks successfully published grindy, weeks-long bare minimum games to achieve anything if you wanted to progress, and EA took note from each and every one, and learned perhaps the wrong lessons when it came to the consumer as a whole. But there was one game I was very surprised that EA published who had very consumer friendly title, the incredible Titanfall 2. It had an actual campaign, and good gameplay. Hell, it's a favorite of mine and I will recommend it to anyone who wants to give it a try. Despit it being published on Origin, EA's digital storefront, it had a unique aspect to it. No DLC map packs that split the playerbase, no season pass racking up the price of the game to 100+ dollars, no
tarotnathers13th · 6 years ago
RNG lootboxes with power and designed to pressure you to buy a random chance to get what you want. Future content would be free of cost to all owners of the game and every new thing introduced could be unlocked with only a weekend of playing and having fun in the game.
And it's lauded as a financial failure. Despite what Respawn did to ensure a fun and enjoyable experience, free of bullshit designed to take you money and keep pressuring you to spend more, no one gave a shit that new content would be FREE of charge, and that there would be no way to buy power or an edge over anyone. THAT was the message EA took to heart. No one wants a game that gives you everything if you're just willing to play. No one wants a game that doesn't bullshit you and your wallet, and no one wants to be treated fairly as a customer and consumer. Everyone wants to buy 5.99 dollars worth of X 1-100%% chances to get the shit you want, since you wouldn't try to earn it any other way if earning it was fair and
tarotnathers13th · 6 years ago
legitimate. Nobody wants free content expanding upon the base game, they want 30 dollar expansions that aren't even that and they'll keep buying them instead of actually playing games that don't treat their playerbase like a magical well of coins and cash that they can milk. It frustrates me. It angers me, and it disappoints me immensely when gamers only ever rally against a high degree of bullshit, instead of having standards and teaching them via not spending their money to publishers and devs. Everyone shits on battlefront 2 as the worst game in history, but no one gives a shit about fair business models intended to elevate the enjoyment and experience the player has in their game without constantly begging for nickels and dimes the whole way. If everyone who bought or preordered battlefront 2 for $60 decided to spend that cash on a $30 game that is dying from people just turning their noses up at a spectacular experience, the gaming industry would stop, stare, and take note.
fell_equinox · 6 years ago
Can you summarize all that?
tarotnathers13th · 6 years ago
TL;DR Gamers had a chance to speak with their wallets, once with Titanfall 2, which had a fair business model and no bullshit considering the consumer and their money, and with other games who had lootboxes, dlc's. and expansion passes. If they had as much eagerness to buy and try Titanfall 2, rather than trip over themselves pre-ordering and hyping up one of the most scummy "Games as Services" to date, the business of video games would be better off.
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
It was going to happen. It just happened to happen to EA. It could've been any company doing this shit. It just so happens that EA was the one who pushed people just a little too far.
nightmaredragon · 6 years ago
I see what you're saying....i think. However i disagree with the end of the second paragraph while Titanfall 2 was a solid game and the idea of free dlc was awesome, for me they failed to deliver, for dlc that is. The guns they released were something that was already in the game just with a different scope or something (the 2 handcannons and the R101's) and while the new titan was awesome for a bit it wasn't all that new, the chasis and primary gun were similar to one from Titanfall all they added was the upgrade feature. The campaign was spectacular but i think in terms of multiplayer they still failed to deliver and that's why it failed, i couldn't care less about maps so long as i have a wide reaching arsenal to choose from, and i didn't feel i did. That being said free dlc and no lootbox games, just hardwork to progress can thrive. Look at Monster Hunter, every one I've played I've played for hundreds of hours, the dlc is free and they've never had lootboxes the only way...
nightmaredragon · 6 years ago
...to get stronger is to play. So those games do work, it just didn't quite work with Titanfall and i don't believe EA would've changed much even if it was a success
tarotnathers13th · 6 years ago
The Crux was Titanfall 2 was published by EA. If they could've learned anything, it was if people bought into that game as hard as they do with COD and Battlefield/Battlefront. Sure, not all of Titanfall's failures could be contributed to lack of interest, Titan combat was simplified and dumbed down, for a long while you could only use bring two weapons, choosing between arming yourself for fighting pilots, or titans, the campaign wasn't mind-blowing, but still a solid piece of work considering, and Titan balance was skewed at times. But I still think if any game's success would've changed EA's mind, it would've been Titanfall 2.
nightmaredragon · 6 years ago
What i said previously aside, i suppose i can agree that Titanfall 2 had the potential to change their minds if it were largely successful. However there is also the chance they'd see the popularity and try to capitalize on it come the next game.
tarotnathers13th · 6 years ago
Well, that's likely not gonna happen, since EA bought out Respawn Entertainment. Now they have even less freedom to make the kinda game they wanna make, especially since EA now has their hands on their shoulders. It'll take a miracle for EA to not fuck it up.