fell_equinox · 6 years ago
It's different with each individual. My sister died nearly 10 years ago and i get crazy depressed on her birthday and death day and sometimes I have dreams where she never died and ahe went to college with me and she's married. Then I wake up and the reality hits me like a sledgehammer
wimsyexpergefactor · 6 years ago
Ya its my sis, too. I go through times when I think I'll wake up and she will be there. I get really depressed at random times whenever something reminds me of her. It's weird. Then I get mad at stuff, then i just kind of make myself forget. Aaand then back to the beginning and repeat.
wimsyexpergefactor · 6 years ago
Its been a year in four days. I can't stop thinking about her. Cannot even cry even though I feel so much hurt I get sick.
wimsyexpergefactor · 6 years ago
Sorry, just wondered how it is for others usually. My family kind of pretends nothing happened, and I haven't had any friends who have lost somebody, so I haven't been able to talk about it.
fell_equinox · 6 years ago
I feel a little bad about my sister's death. If it wasn't for the pictures, i would have forgotten what she looked like. There is one video of her on YouTube that her friend posted years ago and you can just barely hear her voice
mrfahrenheit · 6 years ago
Grief sticks to me for about a week. Grandfather, and dog
jojofan · 6 years ago
Grief for me is brief, but comes out in burst every once in a while. Like one moment i'm fine then the next im a sobbing mess because i miss my dad. This happens like one every to months.
parisqeen · 6 years ago
If it's only been a year since her death, I wouldn't worry. That's not very long of a time since you lost her and grief, depending on the person, can stick around for years. It does get a little easier every day and you learn to be happy with their memories rather then sad but it takes a long long time. Don't fear the process of grief though, let yourself take time, to lose someone that important to you takes ages and sometimes you don't actually realise it's actually happened until a year or two has passed. I wouldn't try and forget, if it helps you then you can do it it's up to you but personally I think it's best for you to remember and let yourself go into those past memories but don't let them take over the present, just sit in them for while and let it pass.
parisqeen · 6 years ago
Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it, when I lost someone very close to me I fell into about 3 years of depression, it wasn't just the death that caused it but it was like a trigger so if you feel yourself falling into something that feels more like immense emptiness then grief (although they are similar) I would see a psychologist or anyone who you're comfortable with seeing.
wimsyexpergefactor · 6 years ago
I appreciate your advice a lot. I try to keep myself grounded in the present, but honestly sometimes I feel like it can't be real. I tell myself it is, but things feel so weird, so I try to forget about it entirely. It doesn't seem to be helping though heh. I am relatively certain I do have moderate levels of depression, as it runs in the family genes and fits what has gone on with ms. It just is so hard to feel right at the moment, and the grief cycle just keeps hitting me, and the memories just won't pass.
fell_equinox · 6 years ago
From my experience, don't try to suppress how upset you are. Don't feel bad if you need to find some private time and cry it out
wimsyexpergefactor · 6 years ago
Honestly my parents get upset when i'm emotional, I don't really have time to cry when I feel like I can, and i am unable to cry most of the time.
parisqeen · 6 years ago
This may sound weird but I would set a time to cry, let yourself be upset because if you don't let yourself process and go through that stage then it'll just keep building up. Sometimes talking to someone helps you cry, it helps you openly express your feelings and sometimes you say things you didn't even know you were thinking and it really does help. I would suggest seeing somebody, it won't do you any harm so I think give it a go.
unicycle · 6 years ago
You can also try creating something like art, music, stories, etc - whatever you like. A lot of times that can provide an emotional release similar to crying and you get the feeling of producing something beautiful.
wimsyexpergefactor · 6 years ago
Thanks a lot, I took my horse in a trail ride and just sat and let myself cry for a while. I haven't felt this light in a long time, I really appreciate the advice :)
parisqeen · 6 years ago
I'm glad you're starting to feel a little better, riding is really therapeutic that's a great idea
zinope · 6 years ago
From a clinical standpoint. 6-9 months, up to a year is fine without needing some help