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hydrofalcon · 6 years ago
Aw, rip. Well idk then. I will try to come up with more stuff when I have time (prob after school)
deleted · 6 years ago
hydrofalcon · 6 years ago
@grimreaper How bout if the reason Emily was so understanding of the fact Raven is a werewolf is that she is some sort of demon too, not necessarily a werewolf but whatever you chose! Also since Emily isn’t set to die she could help Raven in her search for Will and that is the way Will dies, they get into a big fight between them 3 and Will is defeated? Sorry, kinda forgot about it and had homework to do. Also have to go Christmas shopping so can’t help out later today, maybe later at night. I will have a lot more time this weekend and next week since I have winter break!
deleted · 6 years ago
Well Emily isn't gonna play that large of a roll, she'll just kinda point Raven in the direction of Will. She doesn't fully believe that she's a werewolf until she witnesses it for herself. And I want the final fight to be one-on-one. Besides, Emily would likely get killed in the crossfire, especially considering that they both transform for the fight.
hydrofalcon · 6 years ago
Alrighty then, back to the drawing board
hydrofalcon · 6 years ago
@grimreaper Idea 1: what if Raven lurks around Will’s cabin some more and finds some tampered ground a few hundred meters out and she dig some them up and finds out that Will has been killing all the other werewolves from the surrounding towns and gets worried she is on his hitlist. Idea 2: Raven again goes back to Will’s house and finds another letter/torn out piece of newspaper that declares the death of his parents (what we find out later on) bu this same werewolf (Will himself) on his first transformation and can’t control it and accidentally kills his parents. Raven then use some this knowledge against him in their fight saying “IT WAS ALL YOUR FAULT, THE DEATH OF YOUR PARENTS WAS YUOR FAULT”. Fianlly Idea 3: (not my favorite) in Raven’s dreams Sif trains her to use Will’s power and strength against him since in human form Will is much taller and stronger than she is so I’m werewolf form I am assuming Will is still stronger and so that is how Will dies. Unless you we’re planning..
hydrofalcon · 6 years ago
...on Will dying another way other than combat. What do you think?
deleted · 6 years ago
You know that flashback with the French fur trader and there was this guy in there named Daniel Bray? That is meant to be Will, he just changes his name every few decades so no one finds out his secret. Also it's Raven who kills her parents, after they let it slip that she's adopted and that they never planned to tell her.
hydrofalcon · 6 years ago
Ok But I’m referring to Will killing HIS parents early on when it was his first transformation. But beside that ok
deleted · 6 years ago
Besides Will is a sociopath, even if he did kill his parents he wouldn't particularly care or he might even brag about it.
lady_deadpool · 6 years ago
So 2-5 have been revised
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
ooo, if you need to hear about a sociopath then I'll gladly explain what they are. Nobody ever portrays them accurately enough for my tastes.
deleted · 6 years ago
I thought him as psychopath at first but he's much more reminicient of a sociopath
deleted · 6 years ago
hydrofalcon · 6 years ago
@grimreaper found a minor spelling error where it says “I opened the LETTERING and began to read it”. One of the last paragraphs chapter 1.
deleted · 6 years ago
Alright I'll fix that
deleted · 6 years ago
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
I’m not sure if you’d prefer it or not but usually thoughts are in italics.
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
Yknow, for that broken rib she should be in hospital. Also their first reaction to hearing it is not asking if she’s okay, but who did it. That’s fine, but at least someone needs to ask if she’s ok
deleted · 6 years ago
I mean Will healed from an orbital blowout fracture in just a few days when it should take weeks. They heal really fast. Not only that, but they were really scared of her at that moment so they did as they were told.