tarotnathers13th · 6 years ago
I'm in as much suspense as you my dude, Guess we wait and see until the internet fees remain the same or if the sites you like to browse get gated behind a fee to use them without getting slowed down. Or maybe in the unlikely event they just create that mythical fast lane for real, sweat nervously.
diyrogue · 6 years ago
We all know the fast lane is gonna be normal speed and they're gonna slow it down to make it seem fast. And odds are they won't be able to without some company coming in and replacing them like how YouTube and netflix replaced cable before.
tarotnathers13th · 6 years ago
Elon will deliver us. Pray to the New God Elon for salvation.
sir_spiderman · 6 years ago
If I can't connect to my porn sites then I'm gonna be a *little* upset.

But I can just use my phone's service to get it if I really need to. Wait, are phone services like Verizon going to be limited?
deleted · 6 years ago
It's going to be the net, so yes
celticrose · 6 years ago
Verizon was one of the main forces behind this. The paid ALOT to get it pushed through, which means they intend to make you pay even more.
deleted · 6 years ago
Dammit my service provider is Verizon
deleted · 6 years ago
I'm glad we don't have those here
sm19 · 6 years ago
Question to the Americans - how much do you currently pay for your internet?
diyrogue · 6 years ago
It depends on the provider but me personally $60 a month
thecoolchristian · 6 years ago
My sugar daddy pays for my internet
thecoolchristian · 6 years ago
Just kidding
thecoolchristian · 6 years ago
he pays me in used napkins
deleted · 6 years ago
What the hell, that's quite expensive.
I currently pay 40€ for my internet
celticrose · 6 years ago
I pay $75 because we live in an apartment complex that only allows Cox, so they charge what they want. Verizon will not be the only one to profit, every provider will take advantage.
sm19 · 6 years ago
Another question I have - is that basic internet? Or is that internet+phone+cable, etc?
diyrogue · 6 years ago
$60 A month just gets me internet. We had to pay more to add cable boxes and use another company for our phone plan
celticrose · 6 years ago
Mine is just internet. No TV because we use Netflix, Hule, or Prime