tarotnathers13th · 6 years ago
I will not revolt, but continue to send stern letters to congress and promptly vote out any congressman, senator, or representative who argues against net neutrality. Revolt and riot are the tools of violent fools who think intimidation is a great system of self-governance.
deleted · 6 years ago
Not necessarily. Revolution can be done without violence.
deleted · 6 years ago
But you follow your method. That's one way to fight too
sheeby78 · 6 years ago
Yeah but the FCC still has to defend their repeal in court. Hopefully the court will stop them.
diyrogue · 6 years ago
Yeah the FCC isnt looking too good right now since it's been found out a lot of people who voted agreeing net neutrality should be gotten rid of were dead. They've been committing fraud and it's illegal and so they'll hopefully get denied and be prosecuted for it.
famousone · 6 years ago
There's always voter fraud on both sides. And it's almost never the fault of the candidate or organization in question.
There's no practical way for the FCC to verify every vote, and if you think there weren't any fraudulent votes in favor of keeping net neutrality, then you suffer from a naivete that can't be cured.