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cakelover · 6 years ago
I loved when Rey and Kylo fought the Imperial Guards
betterthanyou · 6 years ago
I loved when Luke toyed with the entire First Order and Kylo Ren.
sm19 · 6 years ago
HE JUST BRUSHED HIS SHOULDER OFF I DIED. Or when Kylo was shirtless and Rey goes "Can you put on a towel or something?"
sm19 · 6 years ago
I thought it was waaaaaay too much of a stretch to have Leia just fly back onto the ship. Like, I didn't want her to die obviously, but come on.
tarotnathers13th · 6 years ago
Snoke fucking snuffing it makes me mad because all we know is that he was a very powerful force user and could use lightning and force choke powers, and link minds. It answers nothing about him and it makes me mad that they just killed off what we thought was a arch-villain, but was really just a stepping stool for Kylo. Great movie though, but when Luke became one with the force, wouldn't his robot hand just...fall off instead of coming with him? Anakin/Vader became one with the force, and he got a fucking makeover compared to Yoda and Obi-wan. What, is Luke just damned to have a robot hand forever?
tarotnathers13th · 6 years ago
Also, why didn't they just aim the medical vessel in lightspeed that was the first to go when the resistance fleet was running and kill Snoke/destroy the New Order ship that way? Hell, they would have two opportunities, just aim shoot, and repeat the kamikaze tactic until the new Order in out of ships, can't be that hard to program the autopilot to steer the ship without having anyone aboard. Great movie thought, I really liked it. Luke's constant struggle with the right thing carries over into this film from Return of the Jedi, Dameron trying to do the right thing his way and learning more about himself in the process was a nice touch. Kylo being a fucking master of deception using his Grandfather's lightsaber to off Snoke was cool as fuck, and I like that Rey started from nothing. It feels like a nod to what Anakin once was, nothing more than a poor slave boy living under the twin suns of Tattooine, rather than someone inheriting power and having to live up to it.
tarotnathers13th · 6 years ago
I also like that they used the animatronic model of Yoda instead of his cgi from the prequels.
sm19 · 6 years ago
Yeah just having Snoke and then he's just killed was so unsatisfying. Also that whole kick the ladder until the control falls down - it wasn't even on the same side as the ladder.
deleted · 6 years ago
Leia and the Force.
sm19 · 6 years ago
Uhhhhhh before Disney did its whole "Only the movies and the clone wars are canon" stunt, Leia became a Jedi Knight. Also, she has always been force sensitive if you watched the original trilogy @serosenpai I just thought the way they did it in this movie was waaaay too much of a stretch.
tarotnathers13th · 6 years ago
The resistance bomber ship design was pretty stupid in my opinion. What was wrong with modernizing the Y-wing like they did with the X-wing? Big, bulky, slow, easy to shoot ships that had to literally drop bombs instead of firing explosives at the target seems like a really unnecessary over design, their effectiveness in the crapper considering they all got blown up even after Poe neutralized the turret defense emplacements. It's almost like way too much money and time went into building/buying those ships than actually making them effective.
unicycle · 6 years ago
It's almost like the Resistance has little resources and has to make do with what they have/can get easily, like outdated and ineffective bombers.
texasranger · 6 years ago
I loved it and i was even fine with the manner in which snoke died i think its ironic. But if they're going to hype a character give him more to do. Other than that loved every second of it
betterthanyou · 6 years ago
Obi-Wan died in the first movie... Snoke was obnoxious and way to obviously cgi. Glad he's out of the picture.
texasranger · 6 years ago
Oops forgot. how did they drop bombs in space wouldn't they just float away?? And i get the purpose of having them. They were a plot device in Poes arch of having become a leader instead of a hero. Also didnt really like Rose she felt alittle forced.
And last bit. Where the books at the end the same from the temple cuz my doesnt think so i think they are. I want to prove him wrong.
betterthanyou · 6 years ago
I think they are. Rey smuggled them onboard before she left the island.
sm19 · 6 years ago
Yeah I'm pretty sure she smuggled them. Senile Yoda and his crazy laugh when he lit the tree on fire WAS AMAZING
texasranger · 6 years ago
@betterthanyou obi wan was still hella involved as a force ghost though and snoke can't be a ghost because thats only limited to users of the light side
sm19 · 6 years ago
"Transfer essence, also known as essence transfer or transfer life, was a radical dark side Force power used to transfer a person's consciousness into another body, or in some cases an inanimate object. Ancient Sith Lords and other powerful darksiders used this technique to cheat death again and again, haunting their tombs and possessing those who stumbled across their sarcophagi in order to continue their reign of terror. In more recent eras, masters of this dark side art had used advanced cloning technology to assure their immortality. " from the Wookiepedia - I know it's from Legends, but Disney could use this and have him go into Kylo's body or one of the Imperial Guards.
fell_equinox · 6 years ago
The dark side can use horcruxes?