I like Science.
by hydrofalcon · 11 comments 6 years ago
hydrofalcon · 6 years ago
Share some random and cool science facts!
thecoolchristian · 6 years ago
Did you know that octopi are 3x as likely to kill you on land than in the sea?
timebender25 · 6 years ago
Planck Length is the shortest unit of measurement physically possible.
hydrofalcon · 6 years ago
>_> how tho? Like is their maneuverability better on land?
rydler · 6 years ago
There are more planes in the sky than submarines.
deleted · 6 years ago
Electrons can borrow energy from the future to teleport
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
Jellyfish taste like nothing so there’s no point trying to eat them
thecoolchristian · 6 years ago
No they are just more enraged when they are on land
thecoolchristian · 6 years ago
They are peaceful in the sea
thecoolchristian · 6 years ago
Also did you know that it is illegal to wear pajamas outdoors in Oklahoma
mr_smooth · 6 years ago
Many female animals have two X chromosomes. However, to prevent females from producing ~double the X chromosome-related gene products (some of which would be harmful at those levels), all but one X is inactivated via packing into inaccessible superstructures. Which X becomes the active one in each formative cell is random, irreversible, and remains constant through that cell's descendants.