hydrofalcon · 6 years ago
Well I did. I will post some pictures on in a sec.
deleted · 6 years ago
It blow up?
hydrofalcon · 6 years ago
No but it looked freaky af. Look at my latest post. I srsly thought we were getting attacked by aliens or some stuff.
deleted · 6 years ago
It was right above my office and everyone agreed it was aliens and we were going to die.
timebender25 · 6 years ago
I love the Falcon-9. That thing is the best.

For those that don't know, the stages aren't wasted like usual launches. They return safely and land at designated spots, awaiting re-use.
timebender25 · 6 years ago
They have these legs that fold down from the sides.
hydrofalcon · 6 years ago
Yes. They save millions of dollars will their use of reusable rockets.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
@timebender25 that was the coolest part of the launch from what I saw. You could see the stages slow down, hover for a second, then slowly drop down behind the entry vehicle... that was awesome.