Weirdest thing to happen to you
by rydler · 34 comments 6 years ago
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mialinay · 6 years ago
Patient: *standing in front of empty chair*
"Chair, I'm looking at you and I'm wondering: may I sit down on your cushions?"
Me: So what does he say?
Patient: *giving me a puzzled look*
"It's my chair, I don't need his allowance!"
*sits down*
deleted · 6 years ago
Lmao. That honestly made me chuckle
mialinay · 6 years ago
Also one patient (I really liked her) once had optical hallucinations of birds shitting on the table
mrscollector · 6 years ago
I had a ghost scream in my face
zinope · 6 years ago
Went to a threesome and ended up jacking off a dude
sincere_milkshake · 6 years ago
Smh Mia, you spread the dumpling secret
mialinay · 6 years ago
I didn't if y'all don't tell anyone
mialinay · 6 years ago
mrs collector, I'm intrigued, tell us more
mialinay · 6 years ago
Same goes for zinope haha :D
zinope · 6 years ago
Chick never showed. I got pressured into it. Not a good feels man
mialinay · 6 years ago
Fuck, I feel bad for you :(
zinope · 6 years ago
I washed my hands like 20 times
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
So... I live in a gated community with a golf course running through it. The course is 3 houses away from my house, and I know one of the families with their backyard to the course so they don't mind if I use it as a short cut to get to my other homies house on the other side of the course (it's like a 1 min sprint vs a 25 min walk around if I don't take the shortcut)...
Anyway, apparently one night I was running around in my boxers, got picked up by security, dropped off at my house, picked up by security, dropped off at my house again, and woke up in my boxers on the golf course. Security had picked me up from the same hole both times, same hole I woke up in as well, which was in the opposite direction as my other homies house so I know I wasn't trying to go there..
Anyway... I wake up at like 9am and walk home... and the only explanation I can give my grandma is that I was abducted. Apparently the homie's dad 3 houses away kept calling security because I kept running through his
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
yard in my boxers.
Given my state, it's no wonder the constant security lights led me to believe I was abducted... twice...
I just wanted to lay on the grass and stare at the stars I think.... Idk.. I was fucked up.
mrscollector · 6 years ago
For @mialinay
I was in my small home town my mom decided to take me and 2 of my brothers to the town's museums. I have been to both about a billion times. It is a historical town known for first shot of tx independence. So of course every school year been to these museums. So we are at the old jail house where people use to be hanged and everything. My brothers run upstairs to the jail cells I stay down stairs because I am wearing heels and the stairs and a bitch to go up in heels. So I look around down stairs with my mom. She walks down this hall I been down a billion times. I know what is in it. First room on left is the sheriff's bedroom next the deputies bedroom and at the end of the hall solitary confinement. A single cell closet like room kind of like the one in the green mile but it is a solid metal wall room with a giant iron door and a single wood stool. Now most my life that was closed off and used as a storing room. But it was open today.
mrscollector · 6 years ago
I walked up to the door way that leads up to the hall and everything in my body said don't go down this hall. I even told my mom I feel like I shouldn't go this way. But I convinced myself I was being crazy Iknow this place like the back of my hand. Hell across the street is the fire station where my dad worked and I used to come here to wait till he was off work. So I walk slowly down the hall taking extra long time to finally good to the end. I am standing right in front if the door of solitary room and I see a ghost standing right there. It was like he was there but wasn't like he wasn't like in the movies or nothing it was like he was see through and I could only make out some details. He wastaller than me I'm 5'4ft he had short tight curly brown hair shaved face blue eyes blue shirt black slacks and black shoes. His shirt had a bunch of numbers on a white strip of fabric and his hands looked like he been scrating the walls. He got a inch from my face and yelled. "GET THE FUCK OUT!
mrscollector · 6 years ago
So I walked super fucking fast as if I just forgot something in my car and acted like I didn't see anything. Once outside I ran for my life from that place lol. My mom had to come get me 2 blocks away lmao
hydrofalcon · 6 years ago
hydrofalcon · 6 years ago
Anything happen after? Like feel anything?
mrscollector · 6 years ago
I felt like I should run for my damn life lol I told my mom what I saw and she believed me because my family has a history with not only that jail house but with seeing ghost.