timebender25 · 6 years ago
Wait, that's worse than in reality?
That's where I have most of mine.
rydler · 6 years ago
Did you wake up and have one? Have you had one before? How are you otherwise, mentally?
tehimpala · 6 years ago
I had one in the dream and woke up cause of it. I have had a couple before. Im pretty much screwed when it comes mental health and im pretty sure its gonna keep declining.
rydler · 6 years ago
Don’t worry. This is normal. I’m not a dream expert, it my guess is that you have a lot of stress right now, for any number of reasons. You’ll get better, I promise. It might get worse for a bit, but you can find ways to prevent and deal with them.
I find talking yourself through the problems helps, as it solves the stress before an attack can happen.
Let me know if I can help in any way, I’d be happy to help.
tehimpala · 6 years ago
Okay, thank you rydler!
rydler · 6 years ago
killingdanse · 6 years ago
I have panic attacks in my dreams all the time. It isn't abnormal especially when you suffer from anxiety when you are awake. Some people who do not suffer from anxiety have them in their dreams occasionally.
unicycle · 6 years ago
There's a theory that dreams are a way for our brains to work out problems and try ideas for things in our waking life. So if you have a panic attack in a dream, and experience them when you're awake too, then it's possible that your brain is trying to figure out a solution or better way to handle a panic attack when it happens. Also, with some effort and a desire to change you can improve your mental health - feeling bad isn't inevitable.
rydler · 6 years ago
We still don’t know what exactly causes dreams, there are many theories.
unicycle · 6 years ago
Yup! Based on current empirical literature that's the theory that makes the most sense to me personally, but that's obviously based on my own interests and training. I find that people are often comforted to think of dreams not as random and confusing flashes of our memories/experiences but rather intentional trial runs and re-workings of situations. That way, if dreams are scary or stressful at least they can have some purpose.
rydler · 6 years ago
My dreams are very random.
unicycle · 6 years ago
Dream analysts would say that nothing in your dreams is random :)
rydler · 6 years ago
They haven't met me yet.
rydler · 6 years ago
We did dream analysis in my AP Psych class, and we couldn't understand it at all. Also I rarely remember if I dream. I've remembered around 3 in the last 17 years