jojofan · 6 years ago
(You*) who are you gonna vote for in crunchyrolls anime awards?
deleted · 6 years ago
My Hero Academia for a handful
DBSuper for continuing series
best drama- Ancient Magus Bride
best boy - Todoroki
best girl - Chise
film - Your Name.
Slice of Life - Sakura Quest
hero - Deku
jojofan · 6 years ago
For me it's...
Anime of the year: little witch academia
Action: AOT2 (basic i know)
Animation: little witch academia
Cgi: no opinion since the only thing i watched on this list was and I thought it was alright but not vote worthy AOT2
Comedy: Konosuba 2
Continuing series: no opinion
Drama: the ancient magus bride
Best boy: Kazuma (from Konosuba)
Best girl: Chise from (The Ancient Magus Bride)
Film: nada
Manga: nada
Opening: MHA2
Ending: Miss. Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid
Score: The Ancient Magus Bride
Slice of life: nada
Hero: Deku (from MHA2)
Villian: Cartaphilus ( from The ancient magus bride
Jesus that took forever to type
deleted · 6 years ago
I watched all of Little Witch, tried to like it, and ended up disappointed.
It felt like anime's take on Harry Potter to me. While I can understand why people love it, my pick for best overall was hands-down My Hero Academia.