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sm19 · 6 years ago
@dash224 I've had one of my good friend in a really horribly manipulative relation ship for years and it took a while for me to finally convince her to break up with him (she didn't really see a huge issue with him) and once she broke up she wanted to immediately get back together but I told her to wait a week and she never looked back. The problem is, your friend is being manipulated but she doesn't see that. It's not her fault - it happens in abusive situations. I know it's extremely frustrating, but all you can do is keep insisting that she needs to leave him, but because he's actually been an ass to you, distance yourself from him.
dash224 · 6 years ago
Should I still talk to her about it even though the last time something happened was a while ago?
rosalinas · 6 years ago
If she doesn't listen, why bother talking
Think for yourself, take care of yourself cause she seems pretty damn toxic for your mental health
What kind of "best friend" that is toxic!?
deleted · 6 years ago
She is not toxic, she is blinded. She needs help. And as a friend it's @dash224's duty to make her realise that she is in a manipulative relationship and that the GUY IS toxic.
There are times when you get so affectionated by someone that everyone else seems wrong, Dash just needs to snap her out of it.
Thinking for our own good is nice, but at the end of the day she is her best friend and she can't leave a man behind.
dash224 · 6 years ago
Thank you everyone for your advice! I’m definitely going to talk to her about him.
rydler · 6 years ago
Good luck!
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
The very first thing @sm19 said is the best advice. She's your friend, you obviously don't want to hurt her, but you also have to look out for yourself and he's doing damage to you. Have you ever talked to him directly about it? Just wondering.
Anyway, my best friend and I realized a few years after we got out of HS that when we chill, we love each other's company so much that it literally screws with the rest of our lives, so both decided that we only get to chill with each other max once a month, otherwise we gotta keep our conversations in texts or phone calls that cannot last longer than 10 min. It worked, we both are FAR better off and our friendship hasn't suffered.
@grimreaper What the actual fuck? You're trying t help homie out with a girl you like because you want her to be happy and then he and her friends stab you in the back like that? Fuck that, fuck them.... fuck.
@r0xanne4444 riiiiight? These "friends" are like hemlock it seems.
deleted · 6 years ago
I fucking hate the guy but I have to put up with him.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
that's messed up bro, messed up. Does she know that's what happened?
deleted · 6 years ago
She's the one that told me
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
.............................. wow.
deleted · 6 years ago
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
hugs bro, hugs.
deleted · 6 years ago
It's alright, I've been over it for a long ass time.
dash224 · 6 years ago
@funkmasterrex I haven’t talked to him at all actually, but if I did what would I say?
dash224 · 6 years ago
Well I’ve talked to him before, but not about how much I hate him.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
I'd let him know how his actions make you feel and how it's hurting the relationship you have with your friend, Hopefully he'll get it.
dash224 · 6 years ago
Actually that’s not a bad idea. I might talk to him, but I’m definitely gonna talk to my friend about it.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
hope all goes well :)
dash224 · 6 years ago