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sheeby78 · 6 years ago
I don't know what ya talking about cause dolphins and seals are adorable.
abel_hazard · 6 years ago
Oooh, I have at least part of that one. The human fetus is peculiarly invasive compared to the fetuses of most animals and will attempt to connect as directly as possible to the mother's bloodstream. Thus human females develop a disproportionately thick uterine lining to attempt to prevent this. One in four human pregnancies end in miscarriage, and the more closely a fetus/placenta is linked into the mother's bloodstream, the greater the danger that the mother will bleed out in case of miscarriage.
abel_hazard · 6 years ago
Male dolphins will, on occasion, separate a female from her pod and deny her food or sleep until she mates with them. Seals will rip the heads off of fish and masturbate with them.
sheeby78 · 6 years ago
Ok well make dolphins can be dicks and they probably do that as punishment, I'm not saying that it's right. And for seals, who doesn't do that.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
Dolphins also try to rape people.
abel_hazard · 6 years ago
I can't figure out if we're just now *seeing* the dark side of dolphin behavior, or if they're adapting it in front of us.
sheeby78 · 6 years ago
I'm not sure because they are highly territorial and intelligent and those combined could easily create behaviors like this.
infosubstance · 6 years ago
the hummingbird's heart is the size of a pencil eraser but still is able to beat ten times a second
kouyaaotsuki · 6 years ago
As a self-proclaimed aquarist expert (I had a obsession with small freshwater fish when I was 9) Betta fishes belong in the labyrinth family, they have adapted gills that can absorb oxygen from the atmosphere, other members of labyrinth family fish are: Gourami and paradise fish, there are more members but I can’t remember their names by heart
kouyaaotsuki · 6 years ago
The labyrinth fish developed these organs because of unclean and murky water. That is why Labyrinth fish do not need air stones. If they wanted extra air, they could simply gulp from the surface of water. Bettas are found commonly in rice paddies in Asia. The are however, VERY territorial except for the females of their kind.
It also extremely displeases me if I see any fish being in a bowl. Just because they came from filthy water doesn’t mean they want filthy water. The ideal envirament is a long fish tank with decent filters.
kouyaaotsuki · 6 years ago
Goldfish need more powerful filters than common fish do because they often shit a hell load and even misses their food depending on the strain of the breed. Goldfish also require huge ass tanks because of the size they grow up to. The smallest breeds of Goldfish I am aware of is pearlscale. Goldfish is also more vulnerable to diseases due to excessive selective breeding, which may result in incest.
sheeby78 · 6 years ago
Thanks, I'm more of a land animal kind of person my self so it's great to see an experts point of view.
funkmasterrex · 6 years ago
Gourami are fucking dope.
rosalinas · 6 years ago
I'm both relieved and disappointed that this didn't turn into beastilia
kouyaaotsuki · 6 years ago
I also answer peoples questions on Quora. But recently they deleted one of my credentials because it wasn’t “specific enough”
aqol · 6 years ago
Why are some animals dirty to eat and some are clean to eat? Aslo why are some safe to eat raw?
parisqeen · 6 years ago
I'm joining this party cause this is my jam (except I'm more into insects, reptiles and amphibians)
kouyaaotsuki · 6 years ago
A N I M A L J A M?
rydler · 6 years ago
Jungle Jam?
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
Well, most animals can get diseases that are manageable for them, but not for us. Chickens, for example, can get salmonella bacteria from their surroundings. This does not kill the chicken, but it harms us.
When eating something raw, for example raw fish, it is usually frozen to kill bacteria. Don’t eat it unless properly prepared.