tarotnathers13th · 6 years ago
For me it was the Belgariad Volumes 1 and 2. Me and my brother ate up those books and because we were 8-9 year old knuckle heads ended up destroying those books. It's on the list of things I actually genuinely regret doing, ripping pages by accident, letting water spill on them, dog earing the books and leaving them out to our far-lees-than-tender administrations of our younger siblings. Man, those books were a blast.
dancadamorte · 6 years ago
The Elvenbane. Reading it now I can see how bad some of the writing was, but it was my first paperback over 500 pages. I was 9, so it was amazing to me.
fell_equinox · 6 years ago
The Warrior series and Cirque Du Freak, the the ending of Cirque pissed me off so fucking much
beetlejuice · 6 years ago
My Monster Mama - an old picture book I read to pieces. I still have it memorized.
dr_richard_ew · 6 years ago
Fucking Goosebumps man. I miss those books! Particularly the Horrorland Series
mrscollector · 6 years ago
Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy. My dad had all the books and he gave them to me to read but my shit head brother's tossed them out when I moved thinking they were dad's old books. The assholes.
kittyrawrrawr · 6 years ago
A series of unfortunate events.... brilliant series.... I love lemony snicker