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deleted · 6 years ago
At 13 a person is still developing both physically and mentally and is not ready to be a mother or father at that age. I think it's very sweet and naive that you think sex compatibility is a minor issue and that "as long as we love each other that's all I need". It's an important issue, especially when it comes to marriage. If two people don't connect sexually it can cause rifts, tension and infidelity.
dr_richard_ew · 6 years ago
If it helps, I never even had a real girlfriend until 5 months ago. You'll find someone, you just gotta be patient
parisqeen · 6 years ago
Like pretty much everyone else said, it's not that big a deal. You aren't defined by whether you have sex or not and to some people it means a lot and to others it doesn't really matter. If you feel as if you want to wait for someone right then wait, you'll feel a lot better about it if it's with someone you trust and have a good bond with. It's not like when you lose your virginity you're in some sort of exclusive club so just wait it out until you are comfortable and think it's the right time. I'm curious as to how your friends are making you feel about it, do they tease you @ dash224?
Cause I have a few friends who still haven't had sex and that doesn't make them any different but sometimes they are teased for not being "dicked" (that's just what we call it in my group) and I can see how they would be upsetting and may make them feel excluded.
deleted · 6 years ago
Yeah honestly
You should wait for the right guy
You never want to have it too early
And you don’t want any reason to regret it as well
Plus it really isn’t all that anyways
And 13 is waaaay too early man
Trust me
dash224 · 6 years ago
@parisqueen No they don’t make me feel bad actually. I’m the one who makes myself feel excluded. I think they don’t because I’ve done other things. If I hadn’t done anything at all with a guy then they’d probably make fun of me.
deleted · 6 years ago
I can understand how casual dating, hookups, etc. are a part of Western Culture but, is not loosing virginity so big a deal? I mean, I am also 18 and here people generally don't even care that much about loosing virginity before like they are 18, if you get an opportunity you do, but if not then it's fine, someone will definitely come along eventually.
Now I don't know how things get done there, but I can just say that, unless and until you don't feel like that person has came along, I would say don't go for it.
deleted · 6 years ago
It’s both ways man, some really don’t care about it and others want it to be at the right time with the right person
I messed it up by doing it way too early with a girl I wasn’t even really dating
Which is bad and I regret it
dash224 · 6 years ago
@folk_the_lore where did you get that from?
deleted · 6 years ago
I can’t really remember tbh
It was either you or runner who said it
My memory kind of sucks
parisqeen · 6 years ago
Alright that's good to know, you shouldn't place your own value off your sexual activities though. It's not that big a deal and it doesn't make you any more or less cool. It's your decision so if you want to wait then wait
dash224 · 6 years ago
Yeah you’re right but I don’t remember ever commenting that. I can’t believe I told anyone that...
mrfahrenheit · 6 years ago
Psh. 40 Year Old Virgin, thats me
deleted · 6 years ago
Sorry for bringing it up then
I uh deleted it awhile ago
adorkable · 6 years ago
It isn’t bad if you’re a virgin. It also isn’t bad if you aren’t. Sex is just something enjoyable, not something people should be shamed for. I was known as the “virgin” in my friend group for ages, but it never made me think about having sex with a random person. As other people have said ^, your first time is kinda awkward because you aren’t sure about what you’re doing, so sleeping with someone you’re comfortable with is probably better because you’ll feel more relaxed and you’ll be less likely to regret it later on in life. You do what you’re comfortable with, not what other people think is the ‘norm’
dash224 · 6 years ago
Thanks for the advice everyone. And @folk_the_lore it’s fine I just i can’t believe that commented that.
r0xanne4444 · 6 years ago
Keep holding out for a good person. It doesn’t have to be THE person, but don’t lose it to some rando. It’s not as special. Then again I’m only 17 so what do I know
wimsyexpergefactor · 6 years ago
I'm asexual, never had an interest in sex, but i 'did the deed' when I was fifteen because of pressure, both outward and in. During that time, I had a lot of shit in my past, and had sex almost like a statement to myself that i could choose this time. It was nice, but I didn't really enjoy it, never had it again. My sister though has been in a ton of sexual relationships, and doesn't regret it. My brother had a lot of sex, and he wishes now he saved himself for marriage. My other sister had sex a few times, and simply doesn't want it again unless she has a relationship. I have friends who care, don't care, sleep around, are virgins. It doesn't matter. It's totally okay however you feel, think or are. If you choose to remain a virgin, that's fine. If you choose to have sex, that's fine. Its Your body, and don't let others guilt trip you into something you don't really want. Don't label yourself, you are wonderful how you are.
kouyaaotsuki · 6 years ago
It’s fine being an virgin, we still need those fine sacrifices for our supreme lord
rayofsunshine · 6 years ago
I know this question was posted a few days ago but I figure I’ll throw in my thoughts because I was just talking about it with someone the other day.
So, my friend told me that the first time she had sex was with someone who was sort of a stranger to her because they hardly knew each other. She said it was sort of awkward because it was her first time, she wasn’t familiar with him, she didn’t know what to exactly do, she felt too awkward to ask, she didnt want to admit that it hurt because she didn’t want him to think she was a weakling etc. The morning after was especially awkward.
rayofsunshine · 6 years ago
But she later on found a guy she REALLY liked, and they dated for a few months and really got to know each other before having sex. She said it was so much better because they could laugh when he struggled with the condom but instantly go back to being turned on, the morning after felt completely natural, they could talk about what they wanted beforehand, and she just overall felt safer and had more fun.
So she said that while doing it with someone a lot more familiar who you genuinely like is a lot more fun and hot and enjoyable, doing it with a stranger the first time - while awkward, still feels okay. She told me she would suggest doing it with someone familiar the first time, just so you’re not overthinking too much and you feel less awkward.
But really, it just depends on the type of person you are and the person you do with. :) But don’t feel pressured by anyone because your sex life is yours alone.