222daisy · 6 years ago
That sounds really rough and I am so glad you're hanging in there!
deleted · 6 years ago
Good luck man.
rydler · 6 years ago
You’re doing great! Just remember, it’s okay to slow down and stop sometimes.
pitty · 6 years ago
Don't stop going man, never stop moving. Take a break and take it all in, but never stop moving. Everything will get better, I promise.
creativedragonbaby · 6 years ago
I like how the last two comments contradict eachother.
It’s ok to step back from life if it gets too heavy and it’s ok to lean on your friends and family. Just don’t give up. There are people who can support you, never forget.
rydler · 6 years ago
Never give up. But don't break yourself.
deleted · 6 years ago
Just keep going. If it feels like a lot, take it down a notch and walk slow. Look around, absorb the happiness, be happy and always remember that, We should remember our bad spots in life but we shouldn't let them consume us.
wimsyexpergefactor · 6 years ago
Just keep going. I know it's hard. It is important to treasure every moment you have with your loves ones. Keep moving. Treat them well, let go of your normal walls with them, create memories. I wish I had done these things with my loved ones before I lost them. Its going to be okay, keep going!